The second "P" in the long version of the name of this blog has been changed from "Policy" to "Priorities", and necessarily so.
Greater than a problem with "Public Policy" (which is ultimately derived from politics) the Black Community in its present composition has a problem with PRIORITIES.
The frequent statements of "We Need To Do {fill in the blank with 'THIS' }" or "I commit from here on out to {fill in the blank with 'THAT'}" does not seem to last but for a few days when an INTERNAL or EXTERNAL bigot - who feels threatened by the heightened sense of purpose that has gathered among Black people chooses to test the waters to see just how serious Blacks are.
Indeed - several years ago as I attended a "Community Organizing Meeting" at a large activist church in Atlanta - the head pastor was heard saying before the crowd "We as Black people need to stay off local news media and not worry so much about what they say about us. We need to commit to all that we have agreed to in this meeting today."
This was on a Saturday. By that next Wednesday I saw this same preacher on the local television news with a microphone in front of his face - speaking on behalf of the "Concerned Black Clergy Of Metro Atlanta" in response to some incident that went down that week over which they were upset.
So much for that which was committed to just a few short days prior.
Worse than the notion that the priorities can be subverted (emergencies justify such an act, for example) are the categories of things that are seen as WORTHY PREEMPTIONS, which cause that which was clear in our minds to be placed into forebearance.
I am personally of the opinion that certain forces that influence the Black community would prefer to have a "Ideologically Unified Congregation", placing the benefit of our concentrated effort over calibration toward EFFECTIVENESS, over their choice to develop a SYSTEM through which EFFECTIVENESS is achieved because MANAGEMENT affords course corrections and the appropriate tools for the job.
As we see with the present infighting on the Black Progressive Left - the present system is intolerant. The forces with cascading influence over our people's "consciousness narrative" reserve the right to stand up our ENEMIES and our FRIENDS - attacking the former and defending the later - even as their antics stretch credulity.
"Credibility and Integrity" only matter in a contextual sense. The "All White Jury" of the past used their agreement that "credibility" of their judgements were reserved for jury rulings involving exclusively White people. The integrity that they were holding up in all of their cases, irrespective of race, was the integrity toward "White Supremacy".
In the case of the modern day Black community the "credibility and our integrity" needs to be affixed to a system that is more TRANSPARENT toward our ultimate Permanent Interests" than what we have evolved to today. "Congregational Majorities" now define:
- The Prevailing Policy Agenda
- What we should be outraged about
- What we should be silent about lest our rightful outrage produce a "dirty laundry" effect
Priorities Are Ultimately A Show Of Self-Worth And Self-Respect
Honor and honesty to one's self are the foundational building blocks upon which larger societal honor is constructed upon.
We have been lulled into the notion of "We do not need to act a certain way as a condition for receiving respect from others in our society. This respect is innate to our citizenship and humanity".
This point need not be contested for the "anti-matter" supposition to also be true: With respect and discipline amongst yourselves - the leverage that is necessary to shape the relationships with others are formed. Those groups that have a rather disciplined culture of commerce that they can leverage are seen migrating to various places around the world and replicating what they know to do.
Likewise, those who don't develop this about themselves, failing to inculcate their progeny into such a "functional culture" will find themselves without leverage.
In both cases they are likely scorned but one is able to overcome this antagonistic force per the leverage that they have built up.
How can this leverage be more universally received unless it is incubated from within first?
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