Sunday, August 28, 2011

Which Black Congressman From Florida Has Disrespected Black People More?

Video Evidence
Constructive Feedback Analysis
Rep Allen West (R-FL)

According to Black-Wing Talk Radio he insulted Black People by:

  1. Saying that Blacks are on the 'Democratic Plantation'

  2. Showed that he is unstable and disrespectful as he attacked a White woman the head of the Democratic National Committee - Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

  3. Attacked Keith Ellison - A Muslim member of the CBC

  4. Since West stands with the Tea Party he stands against Black People

  5. He is a fierce critic of President Obama and this will surely win him no Black Progressive friends - look at how they dealt with West and Smiley

West Appears On Fox News - not to stand against Fox News' hosts in their "racist" attacks on Black people but to allow them to assist him in getting his message out to his Tea Party friends.  An unforgivable sin to any "Black Politician in
good standing with the Black Progressive Electorate"
Rep West needs to drop the Slave Analogies for Black people.  This is a tired and over used reference.  Sadly 200 years from now some people will see a Black person and STILL see someone who has been negatively impaced from "American Chattel Slavery".

I thing that Rep West is ultimately a creature of the "American Political Domain" but with some good ideas on the need to achieve more of our goals through our community institutions.

Unfortunately on events like the NATO bombing of Libya he too will consider legal and military logistical matters instead of keying in upon the prescedent that this sets up for future invasions of African nations by imperialist and colonialist powers.
Rep Fredrica Wilson (D-FL)

At the Congressional Black Caucus Jobs Fair Rep Wilson stood at the podium and said the words that brought her cheers from the Black Progressive-Fundamentalists, having taken a page out of the book that Rep Maxine Waters had opened days before when she too got a thunderous applause from saying "The Tea Party Can Go To Hell!!!!"

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Credit should be given to Reps Wilson and Waters for knowing their audience and what they DEMAND.

Unfortunately this intimate knowledge of how many Black people thinkg allowed them to stand in front of a large gathering of unemployed Black people and say the words to produce a produce a loud cheer rather than a demand for a "No Confidence Vote" against their leadership for having failed to produce sufficient jobs in the Miami area (and other Mission Accomplished Cities). Though Rep Wilson is new to Washington DC - she clearly shows that she has mastered the game.
REAL WORLD BLACK PEOPLE Waiting For Jobs At The CBC Jobs Fair In Atlanta No Analysis Needed

  • After 45 Years Of The "Bayard Rustin - Take Control Of The Black Community By Voting For Progressive Democrats - Black People Are Still Catching "Economic Pneumonia "

  • Though Various Black JingOist Blogs Can Print Out A Long List Of "What Obama Has Done For Black America" And "We Should All Personally Thank Him For Because He Didn't Have To Do Such Great Things For Those Who Don't Appreciate His Time And Brilliance"


    My only question is - Of the people standing in long lines in the various CBC Job Fairs - How many of them took a hold of Nancy Peloisi's talking point which argued "Obama has created more jobs in 1 year than Bush had created in 8 years?"

    As a people who are so ensconced into the "Malcolm X Political Football Game" - living vicariously through Obama, susceptible to the diversion attempts of the Embedded Confidence Man Elected Officials who should be held accountable and inundated with streaming propaganda from the neo-LampBlacked Yellow Journalist Press - that Black people are willing to carry someone else's water more than we are inclined to set a line in the sand over which WE will not step at the urging of someone seeking to play upon our fears.

    It is clear that Wilson and Waters have no intention of making strong Black INDIVIDUALS within our community and West has no intention of notating a pathway for development of our people outside of the realm where the donkeys and elephants spread their manure. 

    Absent a force that maintains the integrity of our institutions - we will continue to be disproportionately represented in "The Least of These".   I am not sure if some people don't want it that way.  An aggrieved, ignorant group is more easily manipulated.   A perfect analogue resides in the Tea Party.

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