Sunday, August 21, 2011

Michele Obama's Fashions And Michele Bachman's Unrefined Words Both Are Agents Of Distraction For Black People

The Grio-Root: Sophia Nelson:  The "Two Michelels" Held To A Different Standard

If you ever want to poke Black Progressive in order to grasp their attention, aligning it with the goal of "Ideological Unity Enforcement" (former liberal Republican) Sophia Nelson provides a perfect template.

Just as I chastise supposed "Civil Rights Leaders" for walking past a pile of corpses within the Black community as they drive down to Mississippi to focus on the latest "Civil Rights Violation" due to racism - it is an equal feat that various Progressive journalists are able to do a "Lexis/Nexis" search that enables them to filter out the news of matters important to the Black community as they search for the scores in the "Malcolm X Political Football Game".

At a time when "Hope & Change" should be scrutinized for its benefit to the interests of Black people - not only at the federal level but in every nook and cranny of our community - it is clear that certain people realize that BLACK PEOPLE HAVE SHORT ATTENTION SPANS.

It appears that more of us want to be placed into a defensive posture as notions of unfair treatment due to RACISM is able to trump the necessary scrutiny of those who use their knowledge of our racial proclivities to draw upon our sentiments to receive our INVESTMENTS.

As time passes and we reach a "no-confidence vote", crafty operatives see the sentiment that is converging among Black people and they choose to get out ahead of the discord. They realize that Black people can be "chummed" with the tales of asymmetric treatment from WHITE PEOPLE. Most importantly they realize that many of these same Blacks won't note that as "Obama Bombs Africa" - this will not be mentioned on the stage in Washington DC on August 28. When Coretta Scott King was laid to rest and Rev Joseph Lowery had the Commander In Chief Of The US Military Forces sitting behind him, he used is OPEN MICROPHONE and knowledge that the soundwaves of the PA system would surely vibrate his eardrum. Next weekend as the present Commander In Chief sits upon the stage and we peer into the crowd and see masses of "The Dreamer and The Dream Come True" t-shirts (Sold by Koreans - 3 for $40) - any one daring to use the open microphone to vibrate the Commander In Chief's ear drum will himself be vibrated by the violent shaking that the crowd will induce upon him for his "Disrespect Of KING" as he is being so honored.

The purpose of the paragraph above is to note that "Bifurcated Treatment" is POLITICS!!!!  It will go away the day after "Racism(!!!!!)" is legislatively disbanded as the attention span then turns to the the extermination of murder and then rape.     The rebuke against Ms Nelson is that she promoted a menial reference into a critical indictment - while leaving so many malignant tumors that the Black community is suffering from unchecked.

It is clear that Sophia Nelson knows the sentiments of Black people and throws out a "chum bucket" to satisfy the school that swims at the trough called the "Grio-Root". Ultimately it is a CHEAPENING of the "Black Permanent Interests" as it takes was was a FRAUDULENT ATTACK ON MRS OBAMA ("for the first time I am proud of my nation") and then, ironically uses the same tactic against Bachman.

I challenge everyone - WHAT KNOWLEDGE AND COMPETENCIES has the Black community received after noting that more White Republicans promoted the comments against Mrs Obama while they ignored the Bachman comments?

The disappointment with the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" is its lack of DISCIPLINE and SERIOUSNESS as it promotes the "Re-Investment In Hope And Change" over the protection of the "Black Permanent Interests" as "Investment Advisers". Any Black person seriously interested in protecting the integrity of our community's composition would be wise to take what they read from the activist press with a large grain of rock salt.

Ms Nelson:

Why do you analyze this treatment from WHITE PEOPLE???

Let's talk about the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" and their "Two Micheles".

After the Black press helped elect the President, convincing Black people to make yet another investment of our "Community Development Consciousness" into "Hope & Change" we saw:

* Black media organization assign permanent staff for White House coverage for the first time
* Reports about Mrs Obama's "Bad Hair days" that will introduce the nation to the issues with Black women's hair
* Michele Obama's as a virtual "Fashion Fair" model as her clothing was appraised more than her husband's foreign policy as she traveled the world.

Ms Nelson - as the Black community's problems were festering after decades of control by the machine that Obama sits atop of - we were asked to LIVE VICARIOUSLY THROUGH THE OBAMAS.

* Every policy attack on Progressive-Fundamentalist Public Policy was to be scrutinized from a "racist angle" of the critic

* Every personal attack on Obama - standard fare with an President - was to be seen as an "Attack On Black People".

Ms Nelson - in my view BLACK PEOPLE ARE BEING ATTACKED by the results that are being delivered:

* In our schools
* In the economies of our local communities
* In our streets regarding public safety

At the time that the Black Community voices SHOULD HAVE BEEN asking for evidence of RETURN ON INVESTMENT as our "Community Development Consciousness' was fused to the Democratic Party and Living Vicariously through Obama

* The - (or should I say MSNBC)
* The
* Johnson Publishing
* News One
* The Syndicated Black-Wing Talk/Entertainment Radio

In comes Michelle Bachman.
While Bachman is indeed a JOKE CANDIDATE we can get an index of Black Progressive-Fundamentalist thought by noting how much SHE is a more worthy investment of "html text" on various "anti-Republican blogs" that pose as Pro-Black journals.

She asks about Black unemployment - instead of ignoring the messenger and noting that the MESSAGE IS TRUE - the Black Progressive-Attack machine attacked her concern for Black people. NEVER are the people who actually received our votes attacked for failing our community.

She asked about Black marriage rates. The Black Progressive-Attack machine feigned offense about references to the Reconstruction period but never asked THEMSELVES - "Is the present marriage rate for Black people sufficient to lift our people up to our desired heights"?

When it comes to the question about our schools - after the "Bayard Rustin take over", where we put FAVORABLE PEOPLE into power to initiate our PERMANENT INTERESTS - what SUPERIOR attribute does Bachman have that she might attract Black people's attention away into the "Malcolm X Political Football Game" and away from the squandered promises of our communities?

Ms Nelson - if your goal was to produce a symmetrically representative tale of the 2 Michelles you would have focused your stories on the BLACK COMMUNITY and how Bachman is a "Useful Idiot CHUM FISH" to distract Black people from what we need to be focused upon - getting the people who received the investments of our vote and our confidence to PRODUCT or step out of the way.

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