Saturday, August 13, 2011

Credit Due To Radio Host Bev Smith For Introducing "Financial Tsunami" Author Will Gates

I am compelled to than progressive-fundamentalist radio talk show host Bev Smith for introducing me to author Will Gates before I criticize her for her antics.

Without Ms Smith I would not have likely heard about Mr Gates and his transparent and articulate message on America's financial future.

Mr Gates is a man of character and integrity.  He walked into a radio interview with a woman who was bent on getting him to put aside his professional integrity and instead use his research to attack HER ideological enemies.  Mr Gates was given opening after opening to "GET THE MESSAGE" about what Ms Smith wanted him to do.   Instead Mr Gates first rolled back her slanted statements, made the case that MOST politicians are corrupted by the system and then moved forward, letting the audience know that the system as it is configured today is slated for a fatal fail in the future.

Anyone who monitors listens to Bev Smith knows that she is an ideological bigot when it comes to her framing of "What is wrong with America".   To her credit - she occasionally has on her show a guest that keenly focuses upon the Black community and resides squarely within the "Black Community Cultural Consciousness & Competency Development Domain".  THESE ARE HER BEST SHOWS. 

It is when she ventures into the 'American Political Domain', where, 2.5 years into the Obama presidency she talks more about Reagan, Cheney, and "The Bushes" that we being to understand he conspiracy theorist roots.  When a discussion of American bombing of Libya refers more to "NATO" and it takes the invited guest to introduce the words "President Obama" - far into the discussion - because these words aren't going to come out of Ms Smith's mouth - indeed there is a problem.

Will Gates basically told Bev Smith that "the Santa Claus tale around Christmas" is a LIE.  Smith was shaken to her foundation, as she was used to seeing so many wrapped gifts that appeared between when she rested her head at night and later came back down stairs in the morning.   She was incredulous to the notion that "the Bill Clinton Surplus that Bush Squander" was really just SOCIAL SECURITY MONEY that had an IOU placed in the lock box.  

The key point that can't be missed - continuing with the Santa narrative - is that Bev Smith just could not get the point that "Jesus is the reason for the Season - not Santa".  As such she had merely used the "Bush turned a surplus into a debt" as an ideological and political blunt instrument.  Surely there are far too few "local economies" in this nation that are controlled by favorable people to her that show evidence of surplus productivity based on them having adopted her aggregate theories.   

The problem is that Bev Smith and others have a model of the world in their mind that DOES NOT MATCH the real world.  A conspiracy theorist has gaps between his own mental understanding and the real world events.   Thus a conspiracy serves as a "pedestrian bridge" that spans the gap, allowing their own minds to achieve a certain state of pacified comfort.  "I know who the bastards are!!!  We need to stop them!!!"  is the most important point of resolve that these minds can converge toward.  "The Struggle", which walks past the "Mission Accomplished Seats Of Power" and marches onward to "The Bastards Who Did This To Us" is founded upon the type of consciousness displayed by Bev Smith and other embedded confidence men in the 'Black Racial Services Machine'.  

The news media sculpts the prevailing political consciousness of the Black community.  Taking street level grievances of Blacks who do not involve themselves in the day to day gun battle between left and right as they act as "Tongues Interpreters" for the all Black congregation who sees the old woman convulsing on the floor.

Will Gates - The Financial Tsunami

Again - but for his placement inside of a channel that he was SUPPOSED to stay within the bounds of Will Gates would not have proven his integrity to the broader world and I would not likely be talking about him right now.

I was not able to detect a particular ideological or political preference about Mr Gates.  Instead it was more important that he sublimated any of these extraneous attributes and (tried to tell) told the radio audience that regardless, we have some major problems in this nation and that the "funny accounting" just doesn't add up.

Gates' mission was to tell the world that the SYSTEM, as we know it, is corrupt and that the fiat currency - the "magic money" if you will - is not going to be able to sustain this nation over the long run.  Gates pointed out that we can mark off the calendar to the day when we will be paying more in interest on debt service than this nation takes in with its revenues from the economy.

The thing that I liked about Gates (who did not claim to be an economist as his co-author is) is that, unlike NY Times economist Paul Krugman - he emphasized the upward boundary of debt creation - these interest payments.  Previously we were made to believe that we should not look at sovereign debt as we do personal debt.  Thus the bank statements of finance charges on our personal credit cards are not synonymous.   The stimulative effects of debt spending outweighs these future concerns.

Similarly Gates was not on the "No New Taxes" soap box.  While he did see the need for tax increases - he was not calling for "punitive taxation" as a weapon and also saw the need for spending cuts.

Relating All Of This To "Organic Competency Development" 

With all of these bits of information at hand, when it comes to defining the strategic imperatives for the Black community as a means of insuring a greater future I am still at a loss as to how, upon hearing these points, those who still seek an understanding can't see that the "Social Justice Through Government" track is a fatal one.

The fact remains that despite the control over the key institutions in our community (ie: the schools) their successful acquisition and governance has not translated into a matriculation of a larger number of "service professionals" in line with the needs of the Black community.  Instead those who still advocate point to a lack of funding for the "agent of equality".  They say this is the cause of the squandered results.  This, ironically, puts pressure upon the centralized trough, demanding that its contents be spread more "fairly". 

People who hold this (juxta) position fail to see the irony.  After having executed their forward plans for control over the local institutions in our community - placing favorable people within - they are now looking past the previous promises of benefit delivered and have now arrested the hopes of the rank & file - that any future increase in our academic attainment will come from an increase in funding from sources that are outside of the community domain.

Where is the call for a refocused set of priorities in the finances and time that can be invested in the community that is conscious about itself?

The choice to remain as a downstream tributary of the resource flow that is "funny money" to begin with merely ensures that when that flow becomes contaminated their individual cause suffers a similar fate.

I plan to purchase "The Financial Tsunami".  It is likely an updated warning to that which I heard about 5 years ago when "The Concord Coalition" did their "Fiscal Wake Up Tour" - warning about our future economic peril.

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