Sunday, August 14, 2011

Emotions Still Raw One Year After The Bobby Tillman Beating Murder In Douglas County Georgia

AJC: Nearly a year after fatal attack, assailants may face same fate as victim

From the article:

Bobby Tillman and his accused attackers didn’t know each other. They attended different high schools. They ran with different crowds.

But when their lives intersected last Nov. 6, it resulted in a tragedy that, nine months later, still has many in Douglas County shaking their heads.

Tillman was beaten to death in front of a Douglasville house where two teenage girls were throwing a party to celebrate good grades. Earlier this month, on what would have been Tillman’s 19th birthday, the Douglas County district attorney David McDade filed court papers indicating he plans to seek the death penalty against two of four young men accused in the attack.

For some, the callousness of the killing has changed their opinion on the death penalty. Others have concerned themselves less with the punishment the accused might receive and more with trying to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.

“People are very, very angry and upset about what happened,” said state Rep. Roger Bruce.
The points emphasized in the article above highlights the conundrum that is present within the Black community and the greater society.

In our "color-blind society" we are ask to be intolerant on hatred based on race.  The bloody history of this country necessitates this disposition - according to some.   (Note: I am watching the movie "Glory" in the background as I type this).

The problem of this bifurcated treatment - where the ghosts of "White Supremacy" makes the suppression of attacks by a White man superior to that of a Black - is that today - BLACK PEOPLE must find a way to MANAGE OUR SOCIETY via the realities of TO-DAMNED-DAY!!!

In the choice to pretend that a "White man gun shot kills Blacks more dead than the more frequent shot from a Black killer" - the integrity in management of our community affairs is contorted to a point of disfigurement.

The very same incident of murder that would be used by the "Civil Rights Pharisees" to highlight to other Black people that "nothing has changed in this RACIST country.  The White man still does not respect the life of a Ninja" valuable in their call for Black people to stay united as a congregation.  The main form of our unity is expressed in our ideological complicity in allowing observed fraud that compromises the integrity of our community governance to slide by and for us to deposit our "Equal Black Ballots" in the investment vehicle of the leadership's choosing.

(Here he goes again) - When I confronted Rev Creecy on the radio as he walked past several hundred murders of Black people in metro-Atlanta in order to focus upon the suspected lynching in Mississippi last year - I was pointing out this same "Civil Rights Pharisee spirit" that expresses itself in the assumed inferiority of the Black killer of a fellow Black.

Knowing that the EQUAL TREATMENT of a killer of a Black would force them to go after Black people as passionately as they do White killers - it stands to expose the fraud and marketing campaign for "Negro loyalties  through racism chasing that the modern day "Civil Rights Movement" and "Lampblacked Yellow Journalist Press" of today has become.   Indeed the threat from the Tea Party is a more worthy focus on their web sites.

The Abdication Of Effective Human Resource Development Strategies

  • The "Philly Flash Mobs" are VICTIMS of police brutality and "The War On Drugs"

  • "When a people are oppressed during slavery they are made to hate each other.  The modern day Black on Black crime rate is a manifestation of a well orchestrated plan".

In my analysis such statements are a manifestation of "Justice Thurgood Marshall Justice".
The coping mechanism that is commissioned to afford Black people the ability to look past the needed reforms of our internal cultural enforcements and instead come to the congregational agreement that "The War On Drugs" and the Police are the cause.

Even when the local police command staff is majority Black (see Atlanta and Detroit) this does not cause their theories to be dislodged for want of a more ACCURATE theory which will produce effective results. 

The goal is not for a resolve of what ails our people.  
The goal is to placate the "Negro mind".

It always takes a third-party data collection entity (ie: the US Census) to provide a true picture of what is going on WITHIN the Black community.  Those who assume this "official" capacity but under the aegis of the "Black Racial Services Machine" prove themselves to be too corrupted by their loyalties to report the truth. 

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