As they fuse the "Black Community Development Consciousness" with the success and failure of Obama - they achieve several goals:
- Promote Progressivism
- Promote The Democratic Party
- Absolve Themselves From Criticism and Questions Of Their Competency Over Our Existing Institutions - The Challenges To The Level Of Development In Our Communities Under Their Control Is Shifted Into A RACIALLY DEFENSIVE POSTURE - Our Attention Is Focused Outward
The truth is - the Embedded Confidence men no longer have to wear masks to hide who they really are.
The congregation accepts what they are doing as foregone conclusion - any one who doesn't exploit our people as they are doing will be called an "ineffective leader" - not knowing what the people want.
This gets me back to the real issue with Professional Progressive Political Preacher Rev Al Sharpton. He is just an individual. He is expressing his right to free speech. I will defend his right to speak as he chooses to my dying breath.
PPPP Rev Al Sharpton is also exploiting the present void in Black leadership and the absence of any sort of TRANSPARENT GOVERNANCE there in. As he positions the "Black (Progressive) Agenda" as a fight against the Tea Party Republicans - it becomes clear that THERE IS NO BLACK AGENDA. There is only a PROGRESSIVE-DEMOCRAT AGENDA. The only difference is that they want 'Progressive Democratic OUTCOMES' (intended to be) directed toward the Black community.
As PPPP Rev Sharpton seeks to "take the conversation all the way down the block" - as he said yesterday in regards to people who want to criticize Obama and he rebuts them by talking about how the CBC has failed to help should also be understood that he has NO INTENTION WHAT SO EVER - to see that this MACHINE AS A WHOLE is the entity that needs to be put on trial and made to prove that they are worthy of our investment and worse - the fusion with our "Community Development Consciousness".
The grand fraud is that this "embedded confidence force" has embedded it so much into our brain - we are unable to make a transparent assessment of how they have manipulated us and how we might recover.
Many of you favor progressivism and thus will remain quiet because the "ends justifies the means". Yet when longitudinal reports are made of our condition, our stagnation is documented - instead of accountability and house-cleaning - we get rhetoric and resolve to "struggle harder".
In as much as this is indeed a "racist nation" - the choice of the Black Race in America to retain this fraudulent scheme in our "conscious nucleus" is the choice which says that racial brinkmanship for the sake of "congregational unity" is more important than good governance.
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