Thursday, August 18, 2011

Who Are The Benevolent White Liberals Seeking To Help Us Negroes Today?

In a debate that threatens to get hotter than the "Smiley-West vs Sharpton-Joyner" and the brand new "Waters vs Obama-Sharpton Jobs debate" is the latest dust up around the movie "The Help".

The present angst surrounds the allegation that Hollywood has produced another movie in which a "benevolent White liberal" has come along to save the Negro from the clutches of the clutches of the force that would later become the modern day Tea Party.

This benevolent White liberal places herself at great risk, going against the grain of prevailing social order and dares to take up company with the lowly Negro.  By extending notions of equality to the Negro - the benevolent White liberal in fact shatter the conservative societal constructs and brings more souls to the table of social justice.

The benevolent White liberal looks past the relationships with friends and relatives lost, the taunts of "Ninja lover" and the threats of being treated just like a "Ninja since you want to be with them so much".  Guided by little more than moral clarity our protagonist is guided forward.

Benevolent White Liberal Candidates
White Progressive Cheshire Foxes In The Television News Media

As long as Black people make the key investments of our "Equal Black Ballots" in a manner that is agreeable to them the "White Progressive Cheshire Foxes" will avoid any hard hitting exposes' that focus on scrutinizing the  source of dysfunction WITHIN the Black Community as coming out of the Black community and our present governance model.

Despite the fact that Street Pirates are the #1 source of murdered Black people - they will never, never, never link this behavior with a need of reforms within.

Why should they turn the lens upon the Black community and lose their viewers?   They instead keep their White Conservative Wolf brothers on trial and as a result the Black Progressive view are attracted to them in droves.
White Progressive Cheshire Foxes Quasi-Civil Rights / Social Justice Organizations

When it comes to blatant "Black Inferiorist" policies look no further than the logos.

The same "violation' that would trigger a massive protect march and media condemnation if a White man did it - is ignored as "background noise" when a Black man does the exact same thing.

In their eyes:

  • A Black man cannot commit a civil rights violation, even if he used a gun that had been owned by a White murderer who was locked up for a 'Hate Crime' using the same weapon.

  • Getting people out of jail on a technicality does not indicate that the organization is a JUST organization.  They have no interest in finding the real killer.

  • The "mission accomplished state" of a progressive government is not able to produce economic conditions that materially harm Black people in the same way that overt racist suppression does.  INTENTIONS are the only distinguishing feature

Left Wing Publications That Detail The Function Of The Black Vote As A Key Left wing Voting Block

The best source of research upon the strategy of the Black Progressive-Fundamentalist does not come from their writings or words.  Their White Progressive Joint-venture partners do an excellent job in their magazines enumerating the key "Left-Wing Voting Blocks" within the Progressive/Democratic Coalition.

An early read of what is going to be a keep point of debate within Black political discourse can be seen by monitoring these left wing magazines.  They are the "thought leaders" of the "Black Progressive Political  Movement".   The Black Progressive Political Movement merely adds "flava" to what is otherwise a Progressive-Fundamentalist struggle and "unity enforcement" scheme.

The primary reason why WHITE PROGRESSIVES are not heard attacking Blacks as we hear the White Conservative Wolves doing so is because THERE IS NO NEED TO.  The Black Political operations are compliant.   Why, for example talk about the poor state of Public Education for Black people with a spirit of INDICTMENT?   This would trigger an attack on the progressive forces that run the systems.

Instead they make Black education a matter of:

  • Unfair distribution of resources

  • Willful exclusion of Blacks from White schools 

  • "Teaching To The Test" schemes, with tests being "culturally biased".

The one thing that we do not hear is the ORGANIC origins of our community problems and the need to reform our cultural governance and priorities.
White Double Agents Who Tell Blacks What White Folks Say About Us Behind Our Backs

The point is very simple.
After spending enough time around Black people - they know what makes Black people tick.

They realize that White (Conservative) people are the #1 area of focus for Black people in our political discourse.

Their ultimate goal is to have the Equal Black Ballot invested in the Progressive Joint-Venture Partnership where they can continue their common "Progressive Struggle" against the White Conservative Wolf.

If you listen clearly you will never hear the double agent tell Black people what WE MUST DO as the fundamental means of reformation.   They are content with us being "The Least Of These".

Question: If Clarence Thomas is so aligned with White people that he is cast out by Blacks.........why is it that these Racial Double Agents aren't similarly viewed (or their credibility questioned)......By Blacks?
White Posters On Black Anti-Conservative Blogs Posing As "Pro-Black Blogs"

If you read the daily posts and then look into the comments section of the various "Anti-Conservative Blogs That Post As Pro-Black" there is a number of White Progressives posters that join into the fray.

Since the majority of the stories are Progressive, customized for the specific interests of Black Progressives - the White progressives that are frequent posters to these blogs are valuable because they fortify the progressive message under discussion.

A few weeks ago a poster told a Black Progressive blog that he heard a White friend say "I never thought that I would live to see the day when America had a Black President".  Despite the fact that this is a common phrase among Black people - this poster had no compulsion to detail the ideological association of this person.  Further it was of no interest of the Black progressives who read the comments that this ONE WHITE MAN who said this has no POWER over Obama to have his Presidential powers less than the 43 other White men before him.

For the Black Progressive - Obama's power to bomb Africa is not a superior mental concept to the knowledge that some White people don't want a "Black President". 

The Benevolent White Liberal Knows That Even The Most "Least Of These" Blacks Have Access To An "Equal Black Ballot" For The Taking.

The Key Value Of The Embedded Confidence Men to the Progressive Joint-Venture is to place the "Black Community Development Consciousness" into play in support of the team.  With Blacks compelled to "Vote Our Race For Progressivism" yet never having to face scrutiny on their lack of effectiveness for the development of Black people - they prove to be invaluable resources for the Benevolent White Progressive Cheshire Fox.

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