Monday, August 15, 2011

Flash Mobs In Maryland - Looting w/o A Flood

In their prescient need to fend the "Black honor" from attack by external (racist) parties - the Black Racial Services Machine will hide their embarrassment and shame of this particular incident caught on video tape and find a way to fire their ideological enemies.

"Surely there are some WHITE FOLKS that loot stores in the same manner?"

With the "KKK Snowman" having been melted and no longer accessible for indictment - the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers will simply wait for an incident with White kids and showcase these events. The next possible time is during a violent World Series championship celebration.

The problem is that what passes for "Black Leadership" today is merely a talented "Special Teams squad" in the Malcolm X Political Football Game".

We are more likely to hear the various young people around the nation who are "Flash Mobbing" said to be victims of some "Justice Thurgood Marshall Justice" scheme - where the SYSTEM is placed on trial as they are made VICTIMS of this said system.    The people who got the hell beat out of them or the private property owners who had their goods stolen - are just S.O.L..

If you want to understand why "Mission Accomplished Cities" so often implode - look no further than this conscious gamesmanship that takes place with these pawns.  

The operatives are not interested in solutions.  They are interested in serving up the next volley.

The Black community's interests suffer as a result.

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