Monday, August 15, 2011

A White Killer In Mississippi Prompted The Civil Rights Pharisees In Atlanta To Do What Hundreds Of Other Non-White Killers Were Not Able To Compel Them To Do - Trigger A Protest Rally In Opposition To The Killer

Atlanta Human Rights Group Protests Racially Motivated Murder in Mississippi

Let me be 100% clear.
I support the free speech rights of these protesters in Atlanta to assemble together and protest whatever they want to.

If the authorities came and arbitrarily shut them down I could be compelled to defend their 1st Amendment rights.

Unfortunately - this is where our commonality ends.

Detroit Free Press - 16 People Shot, 6 Murdered In A 24 Hour Period
(You know the routine - "There will be no protests".)

As "The Bloody Summer Of Atlanta 2011" comes to a close - a series of "shots into the back of the head", shots in the backs, Black bodies being dumped out of cars onto the ground passed by without nary a protest march saying "We Are Not Going To Tolerate This To Our People Or In Our Community".

Yet as I continue to find the right ratio which can satisfy an equation that I have been toiling with for some time - this latest act perpetuates my bewilderment.

The fatal equation that I am working on asks:

1 White Killer Of A Black Man is equal to X number of Black Killers of Black Men.
The reaction seen by the Black community being evidence of non-equivalency. 

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