Thursday, August 4, 2011

HIV Infection Rates Up For "Men Who Exchange Body Fluid With Other Men" During Sex- Progressives Unwilling To Accept The Role Of Social/Cultural Strictures

What if someone proposed both "Homosexual Marriage" and the social and cultural enforcement of "Abstinence From Homosexual Sex Until Marriage", both of which are strictly enforced for the next 90 years as the primary means of first isolating the HIV virus and then mitigating its rampant spread through this "Vulnerable Population"?    Would this be accepted as a fix from the "Homophobic Black Community"?

In the world of "give me my RIGHTS!!!!" the FUNCTION of marriage is lost upon the larger population.   

I have stated from day one that traditional marriage appears to have been adopted as a societal stricture for the purposes of:
  • Providing stability and security for the female
  • Channeling the productive (and sexual) efforts of the male toward one home rather than "all over the place"
  • Fomenting an environment that is conducive toward providing the next generation with the optimal ecosystem by which they can thrive, lifting the society up to the next rung as it progresses
As most married men would tell you - the best way to "slow a brother's roll" is to get him married with a few kids around to "play hate".   His wife will soon put him on a rationing system.  Only his bond to his family and the will to maintain a stable household (and the extended family reference in which long term relationships are the unspoken expectation for the family) will keep him from straying.

If those who advocate for "Gay Marriage" were to tie this "RIGHT!!!" in with something that is asked of the gay male partners as  a means of mitigating this deadly problem - in truth - it wouldn't matter what the GOVERNMENT sanctioned.  The lifestyle, knowing that there is a deadly agent in their midst would have to adopt a new cultural order of things or risk retaining the high rate of infections among its pool of "equal human beings".

The real question is - "Does Progressivism have such an organic, self-regulating capacity about itself?"

In this situation concerning the unchecked exchange of body fluids between Black males who engage in sexual relations with each other there appears to be a grand void in such structure that would tend to curtail the spread of this infectious agent toward an increasingly smaller number of people.

If you note the tone of the articles above - the prescription given is for the Black Community to stop being "homophobic" and instead "change our ways", becoming more tolerant and accepting......we have human lives at stake after all.

It seems to me that the consequences that are suffered in the way of infection are mostly a result of the individuals who tossed away the known risks of their "risky behavior" as they allowed their lust for tactile, sexual stimulation upon sensitive body parts to overtake the blanketing of "Safe Sex" propaganda that they have been treated to.  

WHY is this not evidence of the FAILURE of the marketing campaign and the need for something more EFFECTIVE?  

The irony of this line of argument (placing the indictment on "The Black Community" or "The Black Church") is that those how had long ago told us "Keep your mind out of my bedroom and worry about your own" are now requesting that society at larger deal with the situation that come to light when the window shades of that bed room are opened and the sun is let in.

If we reference the line of thinking that went into the newly revised cigarette warning labels  the parallels beg the question.......................

The Model
  • The exposure to certain agents have a known detrimental effect upon the consumer
  • The government has focused on regulating the third party agents to the transaction
  • Now it begins to work on the consciousness of the actual consumer by using "negative propaganda" to discourage the risky behavior
  • The government has a vested interest in curtailing this behavior because it increases the medical spending used to treat the ailments that are induced by the behavior

With risking sexual behavior the choice of "negative propaganda" is taken off of the table.  This runs counter to the progressive's goal of "social justice" rights and reduced judgmentalism of divergence.  

With this confinement in mind the indictment of the general society for being "homophobic" is cast.   WE must accept responsibility what those who had been asked to be left alone and given their rights have gotten themselves into.

What does this brand of cultural consciousness ever ask of "the vulnerable masses" so that they might be protected from their own selves?

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