Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Greater Threat To Black America's Community Development Goals: The Rise Of The Tea Party vs The Failure Of The Bayard Ruskin Plan

When I glace by various Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive Fundamentalist Racism Chaser information sources I don't get caught up in the "transaction of the day".   The pattern matching which allows me to fine tune my model which asks "What Makes The Black Community's Political Mind Tick?" is of more importance to me than the daily jousting.

The majority of these sites are not "Pro-Black Community Development" venues.  They are merely "Anti-Right-Wing Conservative Republican" sites.   The "Defensive Line" in the "Malcolm X Political Football Game" that he warned our people against getting caught up in.   In 50 years time since Brother Malcolm made these prophetic words - the operatives today believe that their promotion from the segregated bleachers where they could only watch the game into being "franchise players" for the Progressive-Fundamentalist team that is engaged in the battle is seen as absolute PROGRESS for the Black community.

This meme is easy to maintain when you have a group of people with the very same mindset, who are provided with the tools of Internet publishing.   The funding from MSNBC, AOL Huffington Post and the Washington Post assists in their efforts to spread their word to the Black masses.

It is puzzling to me as an "insider" (to the common race) and as an observer of their antics that a "sitting President of the United States" who has the full faith and credit of this office to launch full scale wars in the name of America -  receives less direct criticism on these propaganda sources than does:

  • A Black man who has never held an elected position
  • A Black man who's Florida district has only a hand-full of Black people
  • Any White man in America who dares insults "The Commander In Chief"
  • and finally - a Group of White people who call themselves "The Tea Party"
When I defined the term "Black Racial Services Machine" it was from careful observation.

These are not Black people who regularly gather together to coordinate their strategy.   It is their common "Progressive-Fundamentalist" ideology that provides them with the needed time sequencing for their aggregate actions.

They know who their "good guys" and "bad guys" are based upon their ideological awareness.

Unfortunately they seek to hoist this awareness upon the Black Community and claim it to be "Authentically Black".

For me a "Black Agenda" is that which is STOPPED when FAILURE is evident.  Continuing forward for the sake of fundamentalism will merely perpetuate the harm.

For "The Grio-Root" their fascination with "The Tea Party" and the associated claim of RACISM(!!!!) is a necessary bit of mental pacification for them.

I have no interest in defending the Tea Party.  Go talk to Rev Jesse Lee Peterson if this is your interest.   Only the Tea Party can defend their own actions.

My agenda is to understand why the Tea Party is perceived as such a threat by the BQPFRC.   The answer is not that which is prescribed in their writings.

The Grio-Root would like their readers to believe that "The Tea Party is RACIST(!!!)".  They stand against what is good for Black people.

In truth the Tea Party is a threat to:

  • Progressivism
  • The Democratic Party
Their threat to "Black people" is only because the Black Community Development Consciousness has been hijacked by Progressivism and fused to the Democratic Party.

For me - the greater assailant of the interests of Black people today are:
  • The School Board of Detroit and other proctors of failed urban education
  • The Local Political Machines who received the investments of our "Equal Black Ballots" with the promises of development that never came to be
The problem with the "Black Progressive Sub-Prime Predatory Journalists" is that their finger prints are all over the erector set that constructed this machine that dominates the Black community.

Their attacks on the Tea Party are merely misplaced passions that should be applied in the regulation of the "Favorable People" that they have placed into power as part of the "Bayard Ruskin Plan".  

The Tea Party Is A Threat To Redistributionist Social Justice Progressive Political Theory

Yesterday on "Democracy Now" (a better progressive broadcast than anything seen on MSNBC) a progressive analyst that only a Democratic President could pass such a "Debt Limit" deal with the Tea Party-Republicans and not trigger a mass revolt by Progressives.

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding - he is RIGHT!!!

This is the same model that I had noted regarding Commander In Chief Obama's War-Making in Africa and the resulting silence by so many people who great each other with the phrase "Free The Land".

Obama functionally neutralizes their attacks.  Their vested interests in protecting him against "the Right-wing Racists" causes them to eat more than their share of "Satan Sandwiches" and STILL advocate for his election.

If I was a cynical man I would estimate that if indeed this nation is run by "The Koch Brothers", "The Bilderbergs" and the "Illuminati" then the best thing they could do to advance their agenda is to have Barack Obama in office to give the progressive-fundamentalists the medicine that they would otherwise spit out.  This is triangulation at its best.

Thus my argument.

The hyperbolic focus and attacks on The Tea Party is, in truth, a tacit acknowledgement of the grand failure of Progressive Politics.

They assumed that placing favorable people into power and erecting a progressive power base would do the trick.

Since I am focusing on the Black Community - the specific criticism is that the Progressive has failed to build up the promised ORGANIC COMPETENCIES within the Black Community which would make the Tea Party attempts to rebuff the growth of the federal government less relevant.

The Black press NEEDS TO BE focusing on the effective governance of the institutions that they assisted their friends in taking over.   More important than a Tea Party rally is the number of Black parents that take an active role in the PTA of their children's schools.

Unfortunately since the meme of "Don't Blame The Victim For His Unconscious State" is used to redirect most provocations upon the adult managers at the periphery who are not doing their part - what we have is an effective nullification of our organic community uplift efforts.

We suffer from a "Human Resource Management" problem.  The inability to achieve our community goals "on the backs of those who will benefit the most" - who's buy in to the grand plan is necessary to achieve the permanent, culturally based changes that are necessary to make it endure for the ages.

The focus on the Tea Party is merely a short term - "self chumming" exercise.  It pacifies those who are looking for mental understanding to the question "Why is this happening to us?".    With them being duly villainized  and labeled as being motivated by race - the Black people who should be doing more analytic appraisals of the distribution model that our community has adopted are able to put off this needed assessment for yet another day.  (Or is it - yet another election cycle?)

An Independent Black Press is needed to stand in protection of the INVESTMENTS that the Black community has made in our "Community Uplift" agenda.  Their job is not to assist the "brokers" to "get their messages out" to the people.   Their job is to express the fiduciary interests that they have in our community valuables and not allow anyone to misappropriate it - including themselves.

Edward Wyckoff Williams:
It is quite interesting that you feel comfortable fusing "Black Interests" with "Progressive-Fundamentalist Interests".
The Tea Party IS a threat to Progressivism and the Democratic Party. Per your line of thinking they are thus a "Threat To Black (Progressive) People".

The greatest attacks upon the interests of Black people today is the failure to follow through on the promises of our community uplift by agreeing to unite behind what was sold as a "Black Community Development Struggle" but which has hijacked and then derailed into a purely political and ideological struggle.

It would be interesting to see The Grio-MSNBC-Root do a transparent analysis of all of the INVESTMENTS of "Equal Black Ballots" and the fused "Black Community Development Consciousness" that has been marketed by Black Progressive-Fundamentalists like yourself in the promise that our communities would prosper from the 'Return On Investment" if remained unified and SILENT about some questionable behavior done in our name.

As a former investment banker, Mr Williams - WHO do you believe functions as the primary investment advisers for the Black Community - stripping away the "AAA" confidence rating of the investments that our people were told would allow us to flourish. Giving a "Negative Outlook" for the massive deposits that you and Goldie Taylor will no doubt compel our people to make in 2012?

Here is the gross irony of your entire article, Mr Williams . You link the "Confederate South" with the Tea Party yet you can't bring yourself to note that the "Mission Accomplished Cities" in the Progressive North are being increasingly abandoned by Black people. (I call them "Black Flight Progressives"). Whatever THREAT you have conjured up about the modern day South appears to be less of a threat than the situation that the Black Flight Progressive is departing.

What viewpoint are you reporting from sir, other than "Non-White White Supremacy"? The view that this threat from the Tea Party is greater than what is presently filling up the U-Haul trucks filled with Black people. Please identify this OTHER THREAT.

Why don't you write a story on why the 180,000 Black people who vacated the Progressive paradise of Chicago were motivated to MOVE away from the structure that was built up.

What it because of Tea Party Klansmen riding on horses terrorizing our people - Mr Williams?
Did the Tea Party flood the Chicago Public School Board to deny our Black children a quality education?

Far too many staff resources of MSNBC (ooops I'm sorry.)...... The have been devoted to "Keeping The Conservative Enemy On Trial So You Don't Have to Indict Your Friends" that you have truly lost yourselves, no longer even pretending to be in defense of the Black community's interests.

All the while we were strong along to believe that the "Black Progressive Agenda" was an ORGANIC Black Community development agenda allowing "Too Black Too Strong" people to control our key community organizations for the development of our own people.

It is clear that with the "Sub-Prime Predatory Black Progressive Press" choosing to not focus on the management of these institutions and on "Human Resource Development" of our people - you are merely content as starters in the "Malcolm X Political Football Game" that he warned us about.

You deserve an award for "Special Teams", Mr Williams.

Post #2

[quote]Anyone with some common sense, math skills, and can balance a checkbook can look at the nations budget and see we cannot keep going down this same spending road. [/quote]

Hector Boag:

You need to get into the head of the Progressive-Fundamentalist to understand why you have just wasted words in your quote above.

What you see as "We can't keep spending................"
THEY see as "Look at all of that WEALTH that is locked up in the hands of the elite few that a more FAIR, REDISTRIBUTIONIST system would unlock".

Mr Boag - if Mr Williams and the other Progressive-Fundamentalist were more honest with themselves they would understand that the are witnessing the GRAND FAIL of their long struggle.
The Tea Party has little to do with their failure, in truth. They are merely a perfect receptacle of the targeted hatred that the left is known for. (The left claims they don't offer "organic hatred". Their "hatred" is only a response to "organic hatred" from the right. Thus the leftist "hatred" is "a defensive hatred". ) A review of the topics on The Grio-Root shows that this AIN'T a "Black Community Development Resource". This is an ANTI-RIGHT-WING Propaganda distribution center.

The real problem that the Black Progressive-Fundamentalists have is that their Black Community DEVELOPMENT program has FAILED. They told us to invest our "Equal Black Ballots" to erect a machine that would improve our communities (See Bayard Ruskin 1968). When they achieved control at the local level - instead of MANAGING the institutions to lift up our people (educationally & keeping us safe) they saw that they could SCALE their struggle to the next rung of government - making the indictment for "Social Justice" while not having to hammer the now "favorable local government" for squandered investments.

The fiscal insolvency of the United States, Mr Boag, is merely a warning sign. What we should really be calling the Progressive left out upon is that they DEPEND upon the very FINANCIAL MARKETS that they spit upon. Van Jones was heard on The Grio (Oops I am sorry) .......MSNBC television last week arguing that the magic money created from the stimulus should be put toward JOBS CREATION. What they can't see is that just as the bankers had overleveraged Lehman, Merill and Goldman - they (with their Republican buddies) are doing the very same thing with America's balance sheet.

In summary the Tea Party has derailed their plan. Their PLAN was faulty in the first place. There has been no ORGANIC BLACK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT via the INSTITUTIONS that they now control. THIS is the primary flaw in their plan.

The Grio-Root is a necessary propaganda source to keep them focused on the enemy. Failing this an increasing number of Black people would be calling for a NO CONFIDENCE VOTE in the "Black Racial Services Machine" that dominates our community. They have failed to deliver the benefit to our community that was to come IF we invested our BALLOTS and our CONSCIOUSNESS into their cause.

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