Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Wuz Caught Up In A Street Pirate Drag Net In Clayton County Today

Today as I drove home on the southside of Atlanta I made the mistake of taking my shortcut through a particular subdivision in Clayton County and getting caught up in a massive "Street Pirate hunt" that was being executed by the Clayton County Police and the Clayton County Sheriff.

I am not sure what the Street Pirate did but he attracted no less than 20 patrol cars into the area and one helicopter - all of whom were trying to throw him into the Prison Industrial Complex.

Pictorial Evidence
Prior to this picture - I was about 2 blocks up the street.
I saw a pack of police cars ahead.  I should have turned around and gone the normal route.  The closer I got - the greater the possibility that I might become a "person of interest".

There were about 15 police officers walking through the subdivision - desperately looking for a Street Pirate that did something to warrant the attention.

I chose to wait in the spot shown for about 10 minutes.

Dave Chappelle taught me to never invite myself to an arrest and beat down.

  • I did not blow my horn at them and yell "What are you all doing?  Blocking me in like this!  Damn!!!"

  • I did not gun my engine and drive through, between the two cars, hitting one of them with my side mirror

Instead I chose to drive closer to the cruiser and then use hand signals asking permission to move forward.
The White cop said "go".   The Black cop said "hold on".   
I held on.   Until I got consensus - I was not moving. 

I slip my camera phone up and took this picture.  Taking a picture of a cop is another way to get a beat down.  I made sure that there was no flash on and I got the picture.

These are two pictures of the helicopter that was hovering around the subdivision.

As I drove past the group of cops the helicopter was at roof level.  I had put my phone away and covered my "piece" (more on this later) so I could drive through all of these cops without becoming a part of the crime scene.

As Tupaq said in - "Me And My Girlfriend" - I had to pull my "girlfriend" out as I drove through the rest of the streets of the subdivision and left the search grid.

Any Street Pirate that made an aggressive move toward my car in an attempted car jacking was going to get a few.32 caliber slugs up in him that day.

"Don't Start None, Won't Be None"

As I exited the subdivision - there weer about 5 more police cars that had searched the apartment complex on the other side of the main strip.   (All of those cars lined up are police cars).

There is an elementary school right up the street and they were still in session.  I am sure that the school had to go on lock down because all of this mess was happening around it.

With Clayton County slowly trying to recover from its past financial and governance problems - this Street Pirate - whatever he did - ran up about $30,000 in manpower, gasoline, and helicopter operating time for the foolishness that he transacted. 

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