Tuesday, August 16, 2011

PPPP Rev Al Sharpton's "Black Progressive Agenda" Is Totally Indistinguishable From The Democratic Party Agenda And MSNBC's Broadcast Tactics

Who Is Going To Force Sharpton To Wear A Vistors Badge When He Steps Into The Black Community Consciousness Core - Thus Proving That The INTEGRITY Of The Black Community's Institutions Must Be Maintained?

I am back in business.
I have invested in the necessary equipment to restore my recording capabilities of "Black-Wing Talk Radio".

Thanks to integration we have the majority of what is called "The Black Agenda" as running plays in the "Malcolm X Political Football Game".

I challenge any Black Progressive-Fundamentalist to detail for me the substantive difference between your agenda and that which is held by a White Progressive Cheshire Fox?

The answer is - once we take out the "soul food seasoning" that they added - THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.  None what so ever.

At this point we are operating in the context of the question "At what point does the integrity and respect for legitimate Black Institutions compel the Black Rank & File to push back upon those who misappropriate our community's interests for their larger, purely political and ideological agenda?

You see - the majority of you all reading this are PROGRESSIVES.   Since most of what is done "in your name" is agreeable to your ideological leanings - you have no particular interest in setting up a firewall. This is nothing new.  ALL "Inside Traders" go alone with the flow.

For me - as an analyst and critic of what is done in the name of the "Black Community" - the antics that are done and the compliant people who call in - having bought into all of the fraud and foolishness - the RESULTS that so often fall short of not only our EXPECTATIONS but our NEEDS - are no surprise to me.   I honestly wonder how some of you figured that something different would transpire.

To the progressive-fundamentalist - "Enforced Ideological Unity" is far more important than EFFECTIVE RESULTS for our community.   They only need to get the congregation to agree that this is still a RACIST nation and that RACISM was the cause of the stunted results.   Absent the necessary management infrastructure that promotes transparency and accountability - the embedded confidence men - continue along for another cycle.   They demand that we remain loyal because splintering at this point would mean that the enemy wins.

None of this is "Pro-Black Community Development".
It is all "Anti-Republican/Anti-Conservative" strategy.
The hatred and resentment that is present within the Black Community is mined and refined for the benefit of Progressive-Fundamentalism and the Democratic Party.

When primary fraudulent tactic that is used is that when someone notes how much the Black community has invested in the Democratic Party and come up short - the Embedded Confidence Man simply responds "So do you think that the Republican Party would have done better?"

  • Imagine if your Ford broke down after a year, you, being up on your payments return it to the dealer and he tells you "Had you purchased a Chevy - it would have broken down 3 months earlier.  You should be happy and invest in the new model that we have".....................

  • Imagine your doctor who prescribed you with a bottle of pills that she told you would ease your pain if you paid your money for her services and the pills.  You come back 6 months later, still writhing in pain.  The doctor asks you to prove that some alternative pills that you had noticed would work any better

THIS is about how deep roughly 90% of the dialogue on "Black-Wing Radio" goes.

They are expert at using the "Keep Your Enemy On Trial So You Don't Have To Indict Your Friends For Their Failures".   
The sad part about it is that there is a rich crop of BLACK BIGOTS who hate the common enemy that there is no longer any need to produce transparent proof of INCREASE.  They are more compelled to be active in the process of "Struggle".

The Tea Party Is The Enemy Of Black (Progressive) People
  • "The Tea Party is racist"

  • "The Tea Party is working to bring back states rights, bring oppression back to Black people"

I do not know what the White Progressive Cheshire Fox has done to Black Consciousness - but I am forced to give him credit.  Since it is clear that his agenda is to first ENFORCE the value of the "Equal Black Ballot" and then to HARVEST as much of them out of the hands of Black people and toward his cause - you have to give him credit for his effectiveness.

Just as the grumbling within the Black community risks a "Vote Of No Confidence" in the "Black Racial Services Machine" the embedded confidence men trigger Black people to become clear on the RACIST that that still lurks.   Since "Non-White White Supremacy" reigns supreme within many of our people's spirits - the threat of what the Tea Party MIGHT do to Black people (namely cancel progressive policies) is seen as a greater threat than that which the Progressive establishment has failed to do for organic uplift for our people.

I do not have a "Civil Rights" background.  I am not a "community organizer".
I come from a MANAGEMENT SCIENCE background.

I challenge anyone to articulate to me "Where does it all end up?".
While indeed the Progressive-Fundamentalists are successful in their ability to prompt Black people to INVEST where they want us to - you should not be fooled into believing that this is material advancement.
In fact - some of the antics that are used do not promote "organic growth" within our community.  It only promotes "ideological unity" and an abhorrence to challenging the establishment.

The present "West-Smiley" / "Sharpton-Joyner-Harvey" is merely an example of the intolerance of these institutions and their inability to distinguish between the "American Political Domain" and the "Black Community Development Domain".
These two concepts are so fused together that many fear being left on their own.

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