Tuesday, August 16, 2011

While Black America Is Made To Focus On The Tea Parties..............Obama Sends More Predator Drones To Survey Bombing Targets In Libya On The African Continent

NBC: US sends more Predator drones to Libya

Did anyone else notice the orchestrated blackout of the coverage of the Nation Of Islam rally against the US Bombing Of The African Nation Of Libya?  This occurred in Harlem NYC this past Saturday.

I waited for the Monday news cycle for the "usual suspects" to do a report on this anti-war rally.   They all failed.  (Aside from Black Electorate.com)

If there are imperialist operatives who are watching Black America - they should realize that the best way to neutralize Black American opposition to their antics - is to provide a more important object (who suffers from a RACIST threat).  Black Americans will dutifully stop saying "Free The Land" as they focus upon the next election in America. 

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