Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why Does The White Progressive Cheshire Fox Always Land On All Fours As Long As They Stand Ideologically With Black Progressives?

Technorati Politics Blog - Pat Buchanan Called Obama "Boy"

It seems that I, a Black man, doesn't know the "proper place" nor "The Least Of Status" of Black people - according to a newly found friend who has a blog.

Below is a transcript of my interactions with (what is no doubt) a White Progressive Cheshire Fox.   I made the mistake of reprioritizing the offense that he felt when (racist White Conservative) Pat Buchanan referred to Commander In Chief Obama as "Your Boy" to MSNBC (The UnFox Biased-Biased Network) network host Rev Al Sharpton.

I dared to tell Mr Schmalfeldt that I, a Black Man, am not going to be put on a "transactional indictment" expedition as I am made to focus on Pat Buchanan's latest evidence of his "racism".  Instead I am going to focus upon the primary source of assault upon the interests of Black people in 2011.

(Note: I am NOT calling Mr Schmalfeldt  a "racist".  There is nothing that he can say to injure me - so the label is useless.  I am a "Contra-Racism Chaser".   Instead of playing "gotcha" I make note of the dis-empowerment of Black people is achieved as we fail to pursue a course of "Organic Competency Development" over one of Joint-Venture Partnership building as our primary uplift channel.

The man does possess a certain profile of Black people and what we should THINK if we are to be a "Black person in good standing".  Unfortunately this body of thoughts that are acceptable always seems to be just like his own.  [See Janeane Garofalo]

I want to take the word "racism" off of the table and allow the Cheshire Foxes to talk freely about what they think about Black people.  Just as they do when Tim Wise and others are in exclusive company. )

UNFORTUNATELY such a stance drew the ire of the Cheshire Fox.   You see - any Black man who doesn't assume the meme of a "Poor Black" who is a Democrat and Progressive must have "Turned His Back On His People".

Here is what I don't get.   We are familiar with the stereotype of the White Conservative Wolf bigot who type-casts Black people into a certain profile.
When it comes to his brother - the Progressive Cheshire Fox - it seems that his favorable ideology indemnifies his use of profiles which cast Black people as the permanent "The Least Of These".

Standing Against Black People's Interests

My next model is to understand people's views of poverty.
It seems that the progressive mind has it that POVERTY is a state that is achieved from oppression and the failure to accept redistributionist public policies that will achieve a more favorable outcome.  I documented this ideology about 3 years ago upon hearing an interview with a writer from "The Nation" magazine.

This runs counter to my own observations.   The natural state of man is POVERTY.  Only a system that provides "heat energy" into the deliberate actions of an individual and a group of people can produce WEALTH.  Cold is the absence of heat energy.  Poverty is the absence of a system that creates wealth.  (Or one's placement in a system that does not allow the individual to leverage his actions to retain the value of these actions in the form of wealth that has sufficient value in the market).

It is stunning to me that Mr Schmalfeldt believes that I, a Black man, should double down and work harder through the system that has taken over the Black community and yet failed to produce.  The thought that I might dare turn a critical eye upon the investments that this machine has received from our people with the promises of "Development" that did not materialize is like me talking in "Martian language" to him.

What gives the Progressive-Lift the ownership of "Poverty Mitigation" for Black people?
Is there some logical point that they have received enough gold coins from Black people and other 'Vulnerable People" where we should expect to see more organic uplift from our investment?

Name me another "purchase" by which an auditor who stands in the best interests of the consumer/investor is questioned for daring to ask that the receiver of the graft PROVE that they have provided the promised returns on investments?

The truth is that Mr Schmalfeldt and his Black Progressive joint venture partners are not interested in DIRECT Black Community uplift.  They are primarily interested in hoisting up a progressive public policy frame work.  FROM THIS they are convinced that Black development uplift will be obtain.

My objections - as an astute observer - is  that while the progressive structure surely gets built up using our "capital investment funds" (or votes and our consciousness) - the resultant BENEFITS always end up short.

In response to this short fall - the job of Mr Schmalfeldt and others is to keep the "Vulnerable Masses" focused FORWARD on the next election in the "American Political Domain" - promising us that with our next allotment of invested resources - we will finally receive what we have longed for.
There is a greater need for Elizabeth Warren's services as a
Consumer Protection Advocate to stand in the breach
between the valuable assets that the "The Least Of These"  hold in
their possession and those who have a track record of
misappropriating their ballots and
"development consciousness" than she is needed
in the American financial system to protect us from banks.

Please identify any entity within the Black Community - who stands as the "Consumer Protection Advocate" - going to this progressive overlay and demanding that they prove their transparent intention to deliver for our people rather than for progressivism.

My Original REFRAMING Of Mr Schmalfeld's Concerns About "Racism"

Mr Schmalfeldt:

I am a rare occurrence in your eyes - a Black guy who is NOT a Progressive.
It seems to me that the word "Racist" as it is used today has fewer references to a person or event in which:
* A Black person was murdered/lynched to be kept in his place
* A Black female was raped by a pack of White men projecting power
* A Black school student was denied admission to an academic institution

Instead it is almost exclusively a political indictment.
Today's Black community suffers more from "Civil Rights Violations" that are not called "Civil Rights Violations" for no other reason than the race of the assailant.

Why should I become hot and bothered with Buchanan's "racism" when my community is more greatly negatively impacted by that which is not labeled "Racist"?
The Progressive-Fundamentalists that dominate the Black community merely conspire and agree that the assaults upon the interests of Black people that take place under the watch of favorable people to them - won't be doggedly pursued - as compared to if a (conservative) "racist" was in power and the same thing happened.

What is the value of this "racist thing" in 2011?

I have a Black Attorney General and President to protect me If Mr Buchanan decides to physically assault me. I am more interested in the Progressive assaults to my interests.

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The Rebuttal:

Yeah, I see a lot of this lately. Black people who have survived the institutional racism in society, have a few bucks, want more, and turn their backs on their people and their struggle. Your "black attorney general" and "black president" and consistently being referred to as monkeys. Buchanan talks about "nailing a coonskin" to the wall. But you just go ahead, keep paying the lowest tax rate since Eisenhower, and leave the worrying about racism to the poor. You got yours, right? If they can't get "theirs," screw 'em.

See you on Judgement Day!

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[quote] Your "black attorney general" and "black president" and consistently being referred to as monkeys.[/quote]

Parky Pundit:

Please detail for me how Obama being called a "monkey" is more damning than the White man who occupied the seat prior to him being called a "monkey"?

You see this "Black man who has turned his back on his people's struggle" (your words) also notices that this "Black President" has the full faith and power of the Commander In Chief and can order the organized violence of the US Military to drop bombs in Africa (Libya & Somalia) and drone attacks in 6 nations.

It seems to me that the BENEFIT of his skin color is that there has been a muted response by Black Americans who believe that by remaining silent about these transgressions - his re-election chances won't be compromised.

Actually I dare to QUANTIFY any "Institutional Racism" that I as a Black man may confront and make note that with all of the FORCES that bear upon me - both for SUPPRESSION and for UPLIFT - in 2011 RACISM is not the most prevalent force that is holding me down.

I do notice, however that White Progressive Cheshire Foxes who form joint venture partnerships with Black Progressive-Fundamentalists collectively escape damnation as they accept the INVESTMENTS of the "Equal Black Ballot" - deposited with the goal of "Black Community Development" and the failure as such does not dislodge the Black or White progressive that have failed to deliver.

The "Your Got Yours" should be applied to the question of "WHAT ORGANIC COMPETENCIES DID THE BLACK COMMUNITY OBTAIN after 50 years of donations to the Progressive cause?"

No doubt the bulk of your list would be keyed in on how "White racism" was curtailed. My challenge to you is to enumerate what was build up ORGANICALLY in the cease of hostilities?

It seems not to matter to you - as long as Blacks keep thinking "Progressively"

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