Wednesday, September 14, 2011

BLAX News: The Black Folks Should Not Stop Talking About Race But Should Stop Talking About The Tea Party As The #1 Subject In Black Progressive-Fundamentalist Discourse That Fronts As "Black Community Discourse"

The Root: We Shouldn't Stop Talking About Race / Don't leave the conversation to the demagogues and know-nothings like Limbaugh and Beck.

Mr McCall:

I can relate to your motivation to "holla".

As I was driving into work this morning, thankful to be a Black man that is employed rather than incarcerated, the typically motivation to yell at the radio when "Black-Wing Progressive" talk radio is tuned in was quelled because of the subject matter that they spoke about this morning.

On "Fight The Power" - WAOK AM Atlanta (owned by CBS Radio) they were not talking about "The Tea Party", Rick Perry, Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck this morning, for a change.

You see - its not that I have any defensive connection to them (honestly I don't).  Instead I understand how these "enemies" function in support of the agenda of the "Embedded Confidence Men" who are ensnared within the blood stream of Black America.  Van Jones admitted the utility of these "enemy agents" in the scheme to keep Black people in a "racially defensive posture" so that, in the state of fear they will render their votes and their loyalties as he and others have prescribed.

With all due respect you are of the mindset of Rep Andre Carson and other hijackers of the Black Consciousness.  Your goal is to stand up enemies of Black people (which are in truth only progressive/Democratic enemies) as a means of keeping the Black congregation ideologically unified - their minds off of the increasing evidence that your ideology and rule over our interests has proven your incompetence per any transparent, longitudinal study.

  The subject matter heard on "Fight The Power" radio this morning will bear this out.

If I recall correctly you tell the tale of street life in Baltimore and the rough times that young Black males have in this system.

It just so happened that "Professor Lance" was on "Fight The Power Radio" this morning and he too has some experience with young Black males who are gang-involved.

Instead of standing up political and ideological enemies to Black people he provided exacting detail about how avarice, lascivious and stunted problem resolution skills are being used by individuals operating behind the shield of corporations to destroy our young people and thus the Black community.

WHY is it that I had such a radically different response to his commentary as compared to what I felt from reading your tired diatribe?

ANSWER: His proved a far more accurate MODEL of what is happening in Black America while yours was purely a partisan and ideological analysis that, like Rep Carson's rant look nothing like the prime threats that are letting blood on the streets of Black America.

I know nothing about Professor Lance's ideology or political orientation.
I am not trying to claim his views as my own.
What I can conclude, however, is that unlike you and "The" - while the "Roof Is On Fire" in Black America - he is not standing behind a long curtain, rattling "slave chains" and making "ghost sounds" to scare Negroes into complicity.

What is your worth on these important matter that confront the Black community during this present time, sir?

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