Sunday, September 11, 2011

If NCLB Was "Short Changed".....Why Isn't The CBC Demanding Obama Put Forth A $1,000B Jobs Plan?

If NCLB Was "Short Changed".....Why Isn't The CBC Arguing That Obama's $447 B Jobs Plan Is Woefully Smaller Than Their $1,000B Jobs Plan?

$447B/$1000B = 44.7% Of What The CBC was looking for, as voiced through Maxine Waters.

We must understand that, from the perspective of the Black Racial Services Machine - there is a FAVORABLE President in the White House.   The goal is not to make him a 'one term President' - and thus be called a racist - the goal is to maximize what you can get out of the Federal Treasury and to support him as your Progressive ball carrier.

When you attack him - you are not attacking his policies fundamentally.
You want him to FIGHT HARDER against those who you consider YOUR ENEMIES - The Conservative Republicans.
Since you operate with the voice of the Black Community - in our present state of hijacked consciousness YOUR ENEMY in the "American Political Domain" is BLACK PEOPLE'S Enemy in the "Community Development Consciousness".  This enemy is said to be stopping the development of the Black community and thus must be STOPPED.    As many "Negro votes" must be lined up on the 20 yard line of the "Malcolm X Political Football Game" as the joint venture rules say that the Black line men must take out all Negroes who are playing for the other team.   The partner risks being called a "racist" if he does so.  Only a Black can be the "coverage man".

Don't Fall For The Okey Doke!!

Let's be honest.
How many of you all are SURPRISED that after the propaganda from 2008 in which Black people were seen crying over the election of President Obama - the "Job #1 Of The Negro" is to get him REELECTED?
We are asked to LOOK PAST the sour economic conditions - conditions in which the very same people say are "Black Depression" and instead look at the RACIST THREAT that Obama faces.  When WE help Obama beat the RACISTS.......................we win.!!!

Just as the evidence that the KOREANS are watching us is borne by a new store that pops up in an otherwise desolate "food desert" in Da Hood (with sufficient bullet proof glass to protect them).........the evidence that the Black Community Development Consciousness is being PLAYED comes from the fact that we are always compelled to fight for the TEAM while our Permanent Interests that have been squandered is deemphasized and we are compelled to participate in the next PASS PLAY on behalf of the team.

Some of you are unwilling to accept that the Black Community Development CONSCIOUSNESS and STRUGGLE is now a DEMOCRATIC PARTY STRUGGLE.   Though we are SOLD on the notion that prosperity will come after the next election - the people who are molesting our consciousness from the vantage point of their inside position also realizes that THE NEGRO CAN BE COMPELLED TO THINK FORWARD!!!!    His HATREDS can be focused like a laser and his PERMANENT INTERESTS can be placed into a Storage Bin with promises of future benefits.

I DO NOT BLAME THE EMBEDDED CONFIDENCE MEN.  They are doing what they have been contracted to do via the "Progressive Joint-Venture" that they are a part of.
100% of the blame must be held by the BLACK COMMUNITY'S RANK & FILE.
Having failed to put up necessary defenses to prevent anyone - external or internal from having their way of our "Conscious Crown Jewels" - those who have positioned themselves into the space of CONFIDENCE - continue to work the Joint-Venture Partnership - knowing full well than in our DESPERATION - No Negro is going to seriously threaten to disconnect from the force that WE WERE TOLD is "Protecting Us" from a WOLF BITE.

Do You Want To Know Why The CBC Is Not Going To Attack Obama For A Job's Bill That Is Only 44.7% Of What They Demanded?

  1. Its not their money
  2. They know its not their money
  3. They know that they have no leverage to demand otherwise and must take what they can get
  4. They know that their DEMANDS are INDICTMENTS and work best against an ENEMY 
  5. They know that this money has no ECONOMIC VALUE behind it and is merely "New Debt Money"
The question that I have for the Black community from a strategic perspective - What happens when the DEBT MAKING CAPACITY of this nation runs out?   Will you be able to point to sufficient ORGANIC COMPETENCIES that have been developed from your decades of investments that will allow you to survive and eventually cover to a standard of living that approximates what you have today?

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