Saturday, September 17, 2011

Troy Davis Is Innocent Protesters Made Me Realize - "For The First Time In My Life I Realized That Those Negroes Do Not Represent Justice Nor The Interests Of The Black Community"

I am forced to see that those who express their First Amendment right to free speech must be allowed to do so.   I must carefully inspect their words and spirit before I accept their RACIAL-SAMENESS as proof that they speak for the best interests of the Black Community or JUSTICE.  

Their antics fortify my beliefs that Black people are 100% to White people and thus suffer from the same greatness, flaws and propensity for corruption.  Only the process of transparent governance can keep them from acting like the "All White Jury" of the past where transparent process, damning evidence nor deadly outcomes are necessary attributes to render justice.

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When I get temporarily confused and start to believe that seeing "Black People" on television, protesting for what they claim is "JUSTICE" and that they  are fighting FOR "The Interests Of The Black Community" - I get depressed when the contrary is so clear.  As I view their latest cherry picking attempt as they look past the carnage and apply the force of "congregational unity" in order to converge upon a protest - a tear starts to stream down my minds eye representing the pain that I feel inside upon watching them.

As I work to THINK my way out of this situation I realize that what they are doing is "Acting Out", putting forth a fake front of "strength and resolve" when in truth they represent everything but.  They know that this same consciousness is what operates WITHIN and absent the "interracial conflict" where they are most strong - the Black community's unacceptable rate of murder is the unfortunate consequence of their ideological bigotry.  The cost of them being unwilling to change.

As I listen to their arguments as to why a grave INJUSTICE is about to be carried out by the State of Georgia - that THEY are not CONVINCED of Troy Davis' guilt - it is all too clear that the problem is with the high bar that their IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY is what is inducing their blindness.

Just as it was seen as folly to convince a White Bigot of the evidence that is in front of him and we learned that such a force needed to be checked by a larger power - the same is true with the Black Progressive-bigot.   He too demands that you convince him that his he wrong - the rotting carcass which he stands upon is not sufficient evidence for him.

Yesterday I was made to grieve as a Negro on "Black Wing Talk Radio" noted that the POPULAR OPINION in Savannah, Atlanta and Georgia is that Troy Davis does not deserve to be executed.
What this Black man can't accept is that PRIOR TO adherence to judicial process - it was POPULAR OPINION that got many Negroes lynched!!

What we have today is a corrupt set of Progressive ideologues practicing "In-Justice".   (I will remove my previous label of "Left Wing Injustice" as there is no such thing.  ONLY INJUSTICE per the hijacking of the legal process)

What they demand is to have the process run over and other again until a decision that THEY PREFER is rendered.

This is why the "Double Jeopardy" standards were implemented - so that a biased prosecutor cannot spend all of his prosecutorial resources on finally getting the outcome that he wants against a criminal defendant.  These forces operating today, who push aside all of the extra-judicial care that has been exerted on this case don't give a damn about the judicial process.

Ironically - they point to the 4 other times that they got a stay of execution of police killer Troy West as PROOF that there is doubt.  This is the same logic that says that the "Death penalty should be banned because is too expensive".   They are too dishonest to note that the safeguards to prevent the execution of innocent men that THEY implemented is the main source of the "expense".

The same bigots that ridicule those who claim a "Post Racial Society" are heard in the Black-Wing Talk radio channels expecting certain "results" from the District Attorney of Chatham County Georgia - FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN HE IS BLACK.

My goal is to move beyond the clear corruption and bigotry of the Black Progressive Racial Services Machine and instead focus on the COSTS borne by the Black community as it provides cover for their incompetence and bigotry in leading our community's interests.

Their primary arguments:

Injustice Dark-Matter Counterpoint
There is no evidence tying Troy Davis to the crime scene The Dead Body Of Officer MacPhail is the #1 piece of evidence.

  1. The same gun that Troy Davis used to murder Officer MacPhail is the same weapon that was used to shoot a Black man maned Michael Cooper in the jaw as Troy Davis fired bullets into the car that Cooper was riding in
    1. Troy Davis was confirmed to be at this party in which he got into an angry argument with one of the occupants of the car that was fired upon
(Note - Those who seek to impose an insurmountable mountain of "preponderance" are unwilling to accept these facts about Davis' activities that night.  They say that Sylvester "Red" Coles also had a .38 as a means of throwing in confusion.  Yet when it comes to noting that when a CRIME leads to MURDER - all conspirators are guilty.)

The majority of the witnesses recanted If we throw away all of the testimony of the eyewitnesses of the SECOND crime scene the facts of the FIRST crime scene (see above) and the actions of Troy Davis and Sylverster "Red" Coles provide sufficient evidence that these are ACCOMPLICES in the murder of Officer McPhail
The Evidence That The Corrupt Unjust Civil Rights Pharisees Don't Want To Talk About
  1. Why did Davis and Coles run home and change clothes?
  2. Why did Davis abscond to Atlanta right after the murder?
  3. WHY didn't the Civil Rights Pharisees ACTIVELY pursue the prosecution of Davis' Accomplice Sylvester "Red" Coles - an action that is 100% different than what is typically seen as they doggedly pursue "Civil Rights Cold Case Murders"? 
Why Troy Davis Deserves The Lethal Injection And Sylvester "Red" Coles Deserve To Have A Blood Transfusion From Davis' Lifeless BodyFrom Wikipedia:

The witness who first implicated Davis and has remained consistent, Sylvester "Redd" Coles, was initially a suspect in the crime.

One person said that Coles boasted at a party that he killed an off-duty police officer. 

Another witness who did not recant his testimony and is not himself a suspect in the murder made an in-court identification of Davis at trial.

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When The Fraudulent Black Racial Services Machine Are Allowed To Pick The Priorities For The Community To Follow - They Will ALWAYS Avoid The Abundant MURDERS That Take Place On Their Watch And Instead Perform "Justice Thurgood Marshall Justice" In Which The SYSTEM Is Put On Trial. If There Are Too Many Favorable Progressives In Power For Them To Feel Comfortable Indicting Their Friends....................They Desperately Seek The Closest Enemy To Perform Their Rituals Against As A Means Of Maintaining Black Unity

The Black man in the video above had the "misfortune" of being murdered by another Black man.
Because this is a disqualifying attribute to this unsolved murder being called a "Civil Rights Violation" the grieving family had to depend exclusively upon the Atlanta police to do their detective work.
The Civil Rights Pharisees lose interest in "Murdered Black People" once they find out that the MURDERER is himself Black.  

A dogged pursuit of these murderers might trigger the "Rachel Maddow-types" to unravel the thread of what is killing Black people and thus indict the forces that dominate the governance of the Black community and allow the murderous culture to continue on unabated.

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