Friday, September 16, 2011

Reader Question: What Is A Street Pirate?

From the recent post: "Integrated Street Pirate Gang Beat A Man To Death During A Home Invasion"
a point of clarification was requested, asking me to define what a "Street Pirate" is:

Street Piracy defined:

1) A person who should have been a pillar of the community but is now he poses its most egregious security threat. Community resources are squandered to keep him in line within a certain behavior range or detained so he can do no more injury.

2) A person who values the material gain from the property that some community member or security device stands in the way of. He will destroy both if necessary to obtain his booty.

3) A person who values the tactile stimulation on the tip of his penis more than he does the human flesh of another person that he employs to carry out the duties. If, by chance another human being is created from this body fluid exchange the mindset of the street pirate - if left unchecked by his community - will be indoctrinated into his progeny as the undependable nature of hims as a FATHER will no doubt be transmitted

The community is the primary reason why this being, who once had the potential to lift up the community is now the bane of the community.

When they were incubating his consciousness they chose to abandon their battle stations WITHIN their own community and focus their collective attention on issues that ultimately showed that the equal human being who now generates their greatest amount of sorry and shame was less important than their investments of time and attention into the distractions that they focused upon as his understanding of the world was being formed.

Stop street pirate killings by mitigating the failed community governance models that his consciousness is incubated in.

There is no RACIAL attribute to assignment of the label "Street Pirate".
A Street Pirate is an EARNED label based upon the assaults made upon the community.

The presence of "Street Pirates" is unfortunate but necessary "constructive feedback" to the rank & file members of the community that they are being mislead, their focus is hijacked.  Only they can correct the course with new FOUNDING MESSAGES and the new LEADERSHIP that carry forth their new, purposeful agenda. 

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