Friday, September 23, 2011

Melissa Harris-Perry And Chris Matthews - "You Are A Racist If Your Support For Obama Weakens But You Can Reform Yourself If You Vote For Obama"

If someone can tell me that their basic arguments are materially more substantive than this - please prove it.

The only advantage that Perry and Matthews have is that they are highly literate individuals who know how to place the appropriate embellishments around their words to mask the scheme that is being represented.


I was mistaken.
I had believed that the primary threat to the Black Community's interests was when a "shooting war"  between the "Black Progressive" and the "White Conservative" was the most detrimental to Black community interests.

It turns out that the joint venture between the "White Progressive" and the "Black Progressive" is the scheme that imperils the Black community the most.

When the Embedded Black Fox Confidence Men "take one for the team" and beings a shooting war against the "White Conservative Wolf"  (see the CBC recent antics) is the White Progressive Cheshire Fox that smiles most widely for it is HIS AGENDA that are advanced as his prime enemy and most loyal partner who doesn't ask for much are engaged in battle.

The Shooting War Between The Black Progressive Fundamentalist And The White Conservative
When the Embedded Black Fox Confidence Men and the White Progressive Cheshire Fox team up to keep their Progressive Flock in line with the program -   the Black Community is the loser for it is compelled to place its PERMANENT INTERESTS into forbearance. 
The Complicit Operations Between The White Progressive And The Black Progressive-Fundamentalist 

The important issue for everyone to understand is that Chris Matthews is not going to look at the Black Community support for Obama which is in the low to mid 80% range and then cross index this - not only against the 16.7% Black Unemployment rate but the "Mission Accomplished" local political districts that have:

  • Failed to create a job market sufficient to produce "Consumers Of Labor" for Blacks to sell our labor skills to
  • Failed to create institutions of academic attainment after the Progressive take over
Instead both Matthews and Prof Perry are exceedingly happy that the Black voter is going to invest his 'Equal Black Ballot" in a manner that is favorable to the both of them.

Oh How You White Progressives Have Little Faith, Now You Are Showing Your RACISM!

When Tavis Smiley and Prof Cornel West were stripped of their credentials and beaten upside of the head by the progressive coalition - I stated that I had no sympathies for them.  They were prime operatives over the years in participating in these "Progressive-Fundamentalist Flash Mobs".
I stated that I hoped that they learned how it felt to be on the receiving side and that in the future they'd try to inculcate a bit more respect for diverse opinions among Progressives.

I would now like to extend this same model to the White Progressives who are being sanctioned by Prof Melissa Harris-Perry for "disloyalty to Obama".   (Oh yeah - because his is BLACK.  I forgot that one.

I am convinced that Prof Perry is an intolerant person based upon my observations of her message. 
Despite being a vocal advocate for diversity, in truth she merely seeks conformity around the positions that have been sanctioned as "Progressive Approved".   Thus the explanation of the term "Progressive-Fundamentalist".  Many have asked about this perceived oxymoron.  The fact is that a person who believes that "Progressivism" is the cure for everything that ails us and is not able to accept the damage in the Mission Accomplished Zones as being a residue of the forces that now dominate these areas - indeed is a candidate for "progressive-fundamentalism".   I believe Prof Perry fits this bill.

To the White Progressives - as you listened to Janeane Garofalo and Bill Maher make attacks upon Black people who dared to not support Obama, concluding that they had self-hatred or some type of psychological disorder - you should ask yourself how it feels to have these toxins thrown upon you as you commit the sin of asking questions about Obama?

The truth is that the reality that engulfs the claim that Obama is being subjected to a massive racist attack because of his color is the scheme that is trying to dismiss the flurry of criticism that any president would receive in a failing economy and instead attribute it to RACISM.

We can only conclude that you (the White Progressive) were RACISTS all along or that the progressive bigots who are not calling you out will say anything to compel you to remain silent about the conditions in America because you don't want to be called a RACIST by them.  The second portion points again to your RACISM because - as you note how other Whites have been attacked as "racist" you fear the same fate will be cast upon you.

Why not simplify matters and prevent your progressive-fundamentalist friends from running to the Racial Invective as their first weapon?   This weapon that was reserved for conservative opponents can be used on you too, you know.  All you need to do is be disloyal to the message.

The indictment of RACIAL MOTIVATIONS that formulate one's negative opinions of Obama is a more powerful club than is the evidence that the BLACK COMMUNITY'S PERMANENT INTERESTS has been molested as the Black Racial Services Machine is compelled to look past them in defense of Obama.  

The audio report from Rep Cleaver (D-MO) says it all.   The Embedded Confidence men have developed a new strategy to place Black people in a racial defensive - "Protect Obama while Stopping Speaking Truth To Power".

It is mind numbing to hear Progressives - Black and White to hold up (the Superior) WHITE opinion as the index of racism in political discourse.  The Black numbers are "defensive" only.   Just as I stated previously "Progressivism Is Inorganic".  It does not produce ORIGINAL hatred/bigotry/bias (in their view).  It only exhibits secondary negatives when the offending conservative compels it to act out as such.

I have stated many times I RESPECT THE ACUMEN OF THE 'EMBEDDED CONFIDENCE MEN'.  They know how the body that they suborn influence over thinks.   Their job is to erect the necessary narrative that is required for them to achieve the desired outcome.

It is the job of the rank & file to establish the necessary protections to defend against these antics.

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