Saturday, September 17, 2011

What Would A Person Who Has The Integrity Of The Black Community In Mind Do With Regard To Obama's Job Program?

I am listening to an assembly of Embedded Confidence Men on the radio consisting of:

  • MSNBC's Rev Al Shaprton
  • Joe Madison - The Black Eaglecrat 
  • George Curry - The man who told us to vote for John Edwards

The group agreed that as President Obama makes his rounds on selling his $447 Bill jobs programs that his marketing forces should drop commercials in advance of his arrival telling everyone who is supporting the Republican position how much money they would have received from the Federal government IF they would have supported Obama's position.

Please recall a few years ago that I reported the radio conversation between Dr Ron Daniels and Rev Jesse Jackson in which they were plotting on how they'd carve up the "Stimulus Money" for the benefit of the Black Community.  At that time I said that they sounded like they were "Venture Capitalist Bankers" - directing resources to determine who would get funding.  They were "Angels" as the term is used in the Venture Capital Funding market.

The only problem with both of these Black Progressive-Fundamentalists in both cases is that they can't bring themselves to see that:
  • They want the Federal government to operate as an Investment banker
  • Unlike an Investment Bank - failed investments - like Solyndra- is squandered tax money rather than the issue with the shareholders of the banking company to swallow
  • They want to have the Federal government reigning supreme over the corporations and the rich.  Their money is drawn into the national treasury.  The legislative process determines where these funds are "invested"
I no longer believe that any of this is an accident.  
This line of thinking is a product of their progressive ideological bigotry.

It doesn't matter how mach this has failed to deliver for the Black Community in advance - they are going to keep running with it because THEIR FAILURE in the past was caused because this scheme has not fully taken root in this nation.  Thus we are asked to look at the UPSIDE POTENTIAL for Progressive-Fundametnalism to sublimate the rich and the corporations not the failed past.

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How To Scrutinize The Black Interests Being Defended

As you watch the video - the lead in issues with poverty and then Obama's salesmanship?

  • Do they try to define the size of the NEEDS of the Black community?
  • Do they then measure Obama or any other Democrat's SOLUTION relative to our needs?
  • Do they ever mention that these same forces have controlled the Black community for 50 years and wonder where is the INFRASTRUCTURE that we can lean on today from this past struggle to avoid catching economic pneumonia?  (Note - they will point to their POLITICAL STRUCTURE that was built up and how the Conservative enemies threaten it.   In truth they are losing population out of these places and losing power.  Their FAILED ECONOMIC POLICIES of the past are causing people to move - thus they are losing representation)
  • Do you detect ANY separation of "The Black Community's Interests" from the Obama Administration's Interests or the Democratic Party interests?
In ALL OF THESE points the cabal of Embedded Confidence Men FAIL.

They want the Black community operating in the latest pass play in the Malcolm X Political Football Game but not noting the shortfalls in their aggregate scheme.

They are going to continue molesting our institutions otherwise. 

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