Sunday, September 11, 2011

Van Jones Is The Bayard Rustin Of Today - Hijacker Of The Black Community Consciousness

Van Jones said:
  1. You need a Villain - To Look Past Your Grievances And Congregationally Unify Around
  2. You need a Threat - To Place You Into A Racially Defensive Posture
  3. You need a Hero - To Place Your Hopes Upon
  4. You need a Vision - Which Has You To Place Your Interests Into "Forbearance" and work toward HIS Vision that was fed to you

Listen very carefully to the words of Van Jones in this video segment.
(Video lifted from "Black Political Thoughts" blog)

I have a promo commercial for MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show" that I need to edit and upload.  In one of the 'Lean Forward" segment Ms Maddow is heard identifying a group that is attempting to divide Americans by using FEAR.  They identify enemies and then converge their movement around this fight.  Their goal is to divide Americans not bring us together.

Of course she has in mind "The Tea Party Republicans".  Yet if she were transparent she would also conclude that the recent antics of the "Congressional Black Caucus" which looks past the daily actions of the material enemies of Black people in this nation and instead have identified the "Tea Party As Black (Progressive) Enemy #1".   At the end of the commercial I was left dumbfounded as to how Ms Maddow fully understands the mechanics of operatives but, per her own ideological bigotry, is unable to bring herself to see that this scheme known no ideological container.

Van Jones just made me feel the very same way after watching Maddow's commercial.

I am made to wonder out loud - IF Van Jones is able to articulate what he is doing "to pop the Tea Party's Bubble"..........................WHY is it that the Black minions who are following his new movement PRESENT themselves as leading a "Black Agenda" - when it is clear that there is nothing BLACK about what they are doing?  The only thing that they can claim about this PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALIST movement is that their presence as Black people in this joint-venture agreement is hoped to direct some of the spoils they plan to shake loose back into the Black community.

Van Jones and the progressive-fundamentalist elements of the Congressional Black Caucus are very aware that their task is to get Black people FIGHTING a RACIALLY DEFENSIVE FIGHT (Note: Jones is fighting a broader fight with other elements of the Progressive Joint Venture - and not just Blacks.   The Black Embedded Confidence Men, however, are fully latching on to his "Rebuild The Dream" movement).

Few people will bother to step back and take a transparent look at where the Black community now stands and what ails us:
  • The Conditions Of Our Schools That Measure The Competencies And Interests Of The Adults To Educate Our Children
  • A Black Unemployment Problem That Shows That Despite All Of Unity Since Rustin's Day - We Still Catch Economic Pneumonia Because The Infrastructure That Rustin Collected Our Votes For Is As Gone As The Landlord That Took Our Electricity Money But Can't Be Found Now That The Lights Have Been Cut Off
  • The "New Jim Crow" Model That Fails To Explain Why The Black Progressive Police Chief, Mayor And District Court Judge Can't Manage To Stop Street Pirates From Making Black Women Cry On The Evening News After Having Lost A Loved One Or She Was A Direct Victim Of A Street Pirate's Stripping Away Of Her Social Justice
The American Dream Movement
Can any of you find a "Mission Accomplished Zone" that has been built up from millions of "Equal Black Ballots" that serves as a reference model to give Van Jones and his fellow Progressive-Fundamentalist bigots a passport to a larger land-mass so they can "RINSE AND REPEAT"?

It is forced to keep the "Least Of These" sold on some larger scheme, an not look back upon the lands that it now controls after the previous struggle.   THEY ARE NOT GOING TO STOP their forward sales job.

The only thing that can countermand their antics is a STRONG BLACK COMMUNITY INSTITUTION SET that refuses to compromise its own integrity to a METHODOLOGY because it is more interested in its PERMANENT INTERESTS rather than fusing itself to the dogma by which it is achieved. 

Strangely enough this force is sitting on more evidence of its incompetency but sadly a pile of CO-CONSPIRATION by the Black community (per the stack of ballots that it has in storage) and yet it is still able to draw upon the HATRED that is sold as HOPE within the Black community to marshal the troops forward - stepping further and further outside of the Black community to obtain our eventual FIX. 
    With these walls closing in on his world view and a NO-CONFIDENCE VOTE from the Black Rank & File right around the corner...............Van Jones realizes that he had better get Black folks STRUGGLING AGAINST SOMETHING or - in their dormancy - they begin to struggle against the heap of PROGRESSIVE FUNDAMENTALISM which has not made the crops grow as promised.

    Van Jones makes the case that his enemies seek to DESTROY UNIONS.   I have warned you to watch out for people who try to confuse you with METHODOLOGY over PERMANENT INTEREST.  Jones is not talking about the tens of thousands of government union workers that have been laid off by otherwise legitimate progressive Democrats during the time of a fiscal crisis, these being examples of UNION MEMBERS that have been hurt.  Jones needs to have the methodology of unionism protected - even if they rank in the 12% to 14% of the labor force.

    It is with this perverted logic that we are asked to look past the collapse and burn of Detroit, Newark, Camden and many other "Mission Accomplished Cities" where the WIN - that was lined up by Progressives that preceded this current crop turned out to be loses to the Rank & File.  Beyond the municipal service unions being "attacked" by an insolvent employer - the surrounding economic viability of the metropolitan ecosystem was put at risk.

    When you carefully scrutinize their antics - you'll see that the Progressive-Fundamentalist is not going to sit still and accept the blame for the conditions where his power remains despite the collapsed infrastructure that surrounds his feet.  What was once said to be the deliverables promised to the people upon their victory now becomes proof that the rank & file must stay united, struggling to gain control - but this time at a higher rung in the architectural nodes of government. 

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