This is a special simulcast of the "Black Conservative Garbage Pail Kids Korner" on the "Politics, Policy, Pathology And Hope WITHIN The Black Community". The "Garbage Pail Kids Korner" is a series that normally runs on the
"Surveillance Upon The Embedded Ideologues That Lurk Within Our Community Consciousness" blog. It was originally created in reference to the rantings of one - Chauncey DeVega of the
"We Are Respectable (Progressive-Fundamentalist) Negroes Who Follow Tim Wise" blog. Since Mr DeVega and others are so comfortable in assigning ills within the Black community to Black Conservatives - far, far greater than what their numbers can justify - this series is meant to provide necessary "consciousness redirection" to Mr DeVega and others who merely seek to protect the "Black Progressive-Fundamentalist" governing bloc from due inspection and criticism.
Mr DeVega recently penned an outrage to his fellow Black Progressive-Fundamentalists who, unlike him (or at least he claims) are infected with "JingOism" as evidenced by their attacks on Progressive Public Intellectual Professor Cornel West.
While I credit Mr DeVega for telling his fellow Black Progressive-Fundamentalists that there exists a greater proressive world that resides outside of their world view - I am stunned that Mr DeVega is unable to see that the same holds true for his world vision.
Mr DeVega has shown his fellow travelers that there is a greater shell that surrounds their affinity to Obama, instructing them to break out and observe a greater galaxy that exists.
He is unable to see that he too has a shell which he affixes to his outward vision - employing fellow conspiring "Attack Sheep Dog Bloggers" (From the basements of Kansas City) to defend the integrity of this outer shell.
If I Were A Progressive I Would Agree With Both Prof Cornel West And Chauncey DeVegaI wrote a few weeks ago that after actually listening to Prof Cornel West articulate his points and put assign his hyperbole said against Obama - he proved himself (to me) to be one of the most articulate PROGRESSIVES in the public square.
As a person who constantly receives "English Lessons" from individuals who don't care to debate the content of my arguments - I am not at all surprised to see individuals who choose to go after West for his "pettiness" while avoiding discussion of the key arguments critiquing Commander In Chief Obama.
Obama IS the NEW FACE of the "American Imperialist Military Machine". The point that must be understood is that it is PROGRESSIVES that have changed their disposition in relation to that machine.
We see no angry protests against the American bombing of Libya in partnership with three African Colonists Powers FOR NO OTHER REASON than these leftist forces don't wish to harm Commander In Chief Obama's poll numbers. They instead bought into his claim that this was a "Humanitarian Bombing Mission".
Analysis Of Chauncey DeVega's Manifesto To His ComradesMr DeVega's defense of the progressive framework as expressed by Dr West is rational. Again - for those who are bound by the theories of Progressive-Fundamentalism Dr West's arguments are sound. He just chose to beat President Obama upside the head with a progressive bible - causing the "JingOist Secret Police" to batter the Professor - stripping all of the clothes from his hide.
Mr DeVega's views ultimately fail by what he FAILS to include. In as much as we all are tasked with constructing a model of the world that is a representative sample as the key pretext for us finding a solution - Mr DeVega is unwilling to include certain variables because of his own ideological constraints.
Thus the best model by which to appraise Mr DeVega's works is the "Matter / Dark-Matter" framework. In physics "dark-matter" is not seen but its impact on known matter (ie: gravitational pull) has force scientists to factor for its existence - though sight unseen. I choose to use this as a reference to the "half truths" that remain on the floor - not picked up by those who choose to assemble their arguments by lifting up the "truths" that were appealing to their ideological underpinnings.
For me - the mutual claim from West-DeVega that PROGRESSIVE public policy needs to be focused on THE POOR is a NON-STARTER for me. We can rip up the pages of the white-paper and put it in the compost bin after this argument shows it face. Until these gentlemen can package their arguments and then deploy them in Haiti, transforming Haiti into a pre-Earthquake Japan - PRODUCTIVE beyond what their size and proximity of natural resources say they should be - this "bumble bee" of an argument will not fly with me. It can't fly based on what the engineering says AND because there is no place on Earth where it has ever done so - ORGANICALLY.
The only thing that a charitable person can say about this West-DeVega theory on "Poverty Based Public Policy" is that it can only exist in the context of a nutrient full HOST from which it receives its feeding via an umbilical chord called "Social Justice". Take it out in the real world - all ask it to stand on its own -
- Its fluid filled lungs
- Its digestive system that was not developed to digest plant matter and flesh
- Its mind and consciousness that was stunted by the inculcation and indoctrination of PROMISES that were meant to compel the masses to act a certain way in the context of the SYSTEM that they seek to game ..................
will most assuredly result in an abortion of the creature that they hoisted so much protection upon as they were constantly called:
- The Least Of These
- The Vulnerable Masses
as terms of "endearment" but also a testament to the subtle contempt that the purveyors of these words had for them.
The fact that they are attracted to individuals who market BLACK INFERIORITY but the Black Masses accept it in as "care and concern for our people" is another important "genetic marker" that we should all use in inspecting the credibility of the "Negro" who is thankful for the assistance that they provide to us.
In truth they want our "Equal Ballots" which are made so by the system that we live in at present. They realize that the gateway to this currency that even the poorest among us have is our "BLACK COMMUNITY CONSCIOUSNESS" - a once protected family jewel that is now prostituted by those who have failed to develop HER into a fully conscious woman with SELF WORTH. Today she seeks protective cover from a "MAN" - without whom she is unworthy and incomplete - JUST AS the embedded confidence men have indoctrinated us all to think.
Find ONE PASSAGE in which the "Snarling Fox Friends" have instructed the Black Community what WE NEED TO DO to develop the ORGANIC COMPETENCIES necessary to overpower the "White Supremacist Force" that they say has us incapacitated as a people today? You WON'T FIND IT.
Their job is to keep the Negro on the "Racial Defensive". A "Fearful Negro" does what he is TOLD to do. He does not look at the last "Fire Drill" that he was taken on when the same threatening circumstances were erected by the same operatives. Instead he is asked to be PROUD that those who lead him on - are now the:
- The Fire Chief
- The Police Chief
- The Mayor who appointed them both for their past good work at being a team player
Out Of Transparency I Have To Note that the words that I am responding to are not from Chauncey DeVega. I printed them from the Jack & Jill Politics blog as written by Fredric Mitchell. Please accept this as a formal apology to Mr DeVega for initially attributing these words to him.
Since Mr DeVega's views are roughly the same - I won't spend the time reformatting what I have already written. I will do a follow up post on the offending perspectives made by DeVega
Frederic Mitchell Of Jack & Jill Politics says:
Matter | Dark-Matter |
One of the biggest challenges I face when discussing worldly issues with my Black friends is the innate sensitivity in our discussion if its shifts to cultural upbringing. Whether light-skinned or dark-skinned, well-off or working class, the moment a hint of these issues seeping into our conversation sparks raw emotion. Quite simply, the :”Black enough” complex rears its ugly head.
SUMMARY: Some Black People prove the "Willie Lynch Letter True" with their actions | What Mr Mitchell should note is that with all of the important matters on the table for his Black friends to ponder RACE-RELATED hangups can trump all others in the minds of his friends - per their present consciousness.
DARK-MATTER Analysis - If YOU can observe this about Black people - DO YOU THINK that both the "Embedded Confidence Men" who have contracts with the Democrats AND the powers in the Progressive-Democratic Party DO NOT see this same thing?
With the EQUAL BLACK BALLOT at stake - are they compelled to deal with you in an HONORABLE manner - not exploiting this easily observable fact?
With Black unemployment at 16.1% and America bombing Libya - is there any accident that the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" is talking about Harley Davison and the woman from Alaska that is riding on the back of it rather than UNEMPLOYMENT? |
We don’t like divisiveness and we certainly don’t like anything that looks like crabs in a bucket ESPECIALLY if accusations of cultural reference get flung around. It is in that vain that my dear brother Dr. West kindled such firecracker.
SUMMARY: "Enforced Ideological Unity" is the main product of the present day "Racial Services Machine". As long as there is CONGREGATIONAL AGREEMENT - it doesn't matter what the STATISTICS say.
| Cornel West dared to stand up out of his "Associate Pastor" chair and SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER. Though he was reading out of the PROGRESSIVE BIBLE - those who were more enthralled by the new Preacher in the pulpit than the were inclined to read what the progressive scriptures said - when Prof West dared to stand up and church and read the actual bible passage - he committed an offense that was more damnable than what Joe Wilson did in the hollowed halls of Congress.
To speak out of turn in the "Black Methodological Apostolic Fundamentalist Anti-Zionist Church Of Progressivism" is a sin that is worthy of excommunication.
Read the words of Tom Joyner in which he argues that a "Black man in power" that we protect is far more important than us "Speaking Truth To Power" to the President Of The United States. The Black Progressive-Fundamentalist has COMPROMISED HIMSELF on this point.
There is no turning back. HE cannot set the terms for the restoration of his credibility and integrity.
The question I have for all of my progressive and intelligent audience, however, is can you open your mind to the possibility of something else outside of your emotional shock?
| While Mr Mitchell is making note of the "closed minds" in the Black Progress-Fundamentalist community as it relates to their attachment to Obama. (Where ever did he get this idea from? It might have been the daily Obama picture on the web site or the Michelle Obama fashion layout. I'm just saying).
I struggle to understand why:
- Detroit is not a SHOCK
- Chicago is not a SHOCK
- Atlanta is not a SHOCK
- Philadelphia is not a SHOCK
- Baltimore is not a SHOCK
- Washington DC is not a SHOCK
Even without Prof West expanding the argument outward to the affairs of the military or national monetary policy - who among us lacks the skills of 3rd grade INTERPOLATION that limits the ability to see that what has failed to work at the "Mission Accomplished" city/county level - has the same chance of producing providence at the national level as it takes dominate control over the key institutions there?
If Mr Mitchell were more transparent in his argument he would not limit his question to the attachment to OBAMA. He would instead question the very attachment to this ideology which is a "Protest Methodology" but has a limited track record in producing ORGANIC COMPETENCIES within the people that it purports to serve and protect. |
- Has the President championed ideas and programs that specifically target poor and working people?
- Has the President addressed, in any speech or recommendation, ideas to reduce disproportionate incarceration of poor Black men?
- Has the President proposed taking any percentage of the war budget to combat ANY of these issues?
- Do I feel that the President has a sense of urgency about these issues and that they are true priorities on his agenda?
- Have the needs of those who need it most been communicated as a higher priority than those who do not?
| Why does Mr Mitchell ask these questions of Obama but not of the "Stack Of Progressives" that summarily took over the key institutions that represent the interests of Black America - per our own popular vote assignment of them into power?
- Why haven't "the poor" been encapsulated into a more productive environment in which the EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS that were previously taken over by "favorable people" are now supplying the skilled labor that our community needs to change into net-productivity?
- With Wayne County, Cook County, Jefferson County (Memphis), Philadelphia County, Fulton County and several others provisioned with "favorable people" who:
- Arrest
- Jail
- Prosecute
- Render Judicial Verdicts
- Imprison............
- any Black who goes through the system of these respective counties - WHY is Mr Mitchell focusing on OBAMA for a reduction in these rates rather than using "intellectual curiosity" to presuppose some other force that might be at work. (Please put down the Michelle Alexander reading material)
- Mr Mitchell - in as much as THERE ARE NO BLACK PEOPLE PROTESTING the bombing of Libya - and the contracts that will be rendered to Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Loreal Space Systems - why do you believe that your indictment is anything but words?
- Mr Mitchell - Obama has an 85% Black Approval rating at a time of 16.1% Black unemployment. When Osama Bin Laden was assassinated - the "Obama Fist Bump Press" published more stories LAUDING his improving poll numbers after shooting an "unarmed man of color" than ANY of them bothered to do analysis of the April 2011 job numbers which saw an increase to 16.1%
- IF YOU WANT TO TALK "URGENCY" you must first look at the "Obama MARKETING ENGINE" that is embedded WITHIN the Black Community and get THEM to buy into the URGENCY. Sarah Palin IS NOT A DAMNED URGENCY FOR BLACK PEOPLE. She is ONLY a threat to PROGRESSIVES!!!!!!!
- Mr Mitchell - e-mail me the next time you are in Atlanta. I can take you on a car ride through the "Black Vote Harvesting Districts" in which our people are kept pacified but POOR. As long as their leadership remains in power - selling the masses on how much their interests are presented at the table of power THIS is the only "communication" that is needed.
- I would pass a law that each political campaign sign who seeks to place a campaign sign in public space MUST first clean up the public (or abandoned) property that is 15 feet - each direction from the sign.
- Just to show you how much contempt that these people have for the masses - they'll put their sign in a yard full of trash, broken bottles and unkempt grass - NOT GIVING A DAMN about the message that it sends.
Yes, it is a giant distraction and it makes us feel like our kitchen table conversations are on display for the Boston Globe to chime in on. | Mr Mitchell: Do you believe that Ed Schultz and other White Liberal Snarling Foxes DON'T SEE WHAT IS GOING ON - even without the Boston Globe article?
When "Progressive Political Preacher" Rev Al Sharpton is openly proclaiming that he WON'T CRITICIZE THE PRESIDENT and that "We must find a way to obtain our agenda without harming the President" - do you REALLY believe that any White Liberal or White Conservative doesn't see the fraud that is going on?
Likewise - is it at all surprise that the claim of RACISM is at an all time high in politics today? The very same people who openly strategize the value of a BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE (see Tom Joyner) know that their White Liberal Snarling Fox Joint-Venture partners are NOT going to call this RACIALISM IN POLITICS.
The real question that you need to be asking is - with this double standard - while the BLACK BALLOT IS the HUMAN BEING carrying it to the polls EQUAL?
The problem with "The Black Progressives" is that you are on a perpetual run for SHORT TERM GAINS - the election victory. All the while you are consciousness immune to the long term DAMAGE that your strategy afflicts upon the Black Community.
As I hear Black people on the (White owned) CBS Radio station in Atlanta talk about how "WHITE FOLKS don't want Black people to have JACK........this is why we should support Obama" - it becomes clear to me that people like you are worried less about IGNORANCE than you are that this same person is IDEOLOGICALLY compatible with you and will cast his vote as such.
The main thing that you and others should be pondering is a RECOVERY from this period. The establishment of an INTERNAL FIREWALL around our consciousness - never to be MOLESTED by anyone, ever again.
OBAMA DID NOT DO THIS. He is at most an opportunist - refusing to halt the "panties thrown on stage" as alms to him.
Those Embedded Confidence Men who FAILED to erect and enforce PROTECTIONS are the ones to blame. |
The true question that I have to ask myself, and I believe we all have to really push for with Barack going into 2012 is this | Mr Mitchell - I recently read about how the "Black Civil Rights Pharisees" of New Orleans have written out a Performance Plan for Mayor Landreau. This document from this one small slice of Black America represents MORE than what as EVER been printed about either Commander In Chief Obama OR the cascading array of other "Favorable Elected Officials" that have received 50% + 1 of the Black vote.
Why do you need to enumerate what you are going to ask of Obama THE NEXT TIME when you only need to look at what:
- Tired & Retired Jack White
- Donna Brazille - the new "Dr Ronald Walters"
- Tom Joyner
- "Progressive Political Preachers"
- others
have in store for you?
Why waste your time developing a CHECK LIST when documented evidence shows that "RACISM CHASING" is the most POWERFUL force to compel Black people to respond in the "American Political Domain"? |
If I can "read' you all - what makes you think that others who are PROFITING from understanding how you think are not doing so?