Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cynthia McKinney Goes To Libya

Former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Blasts Us Bombing Of Libya On Libyan TV

The sight of Cynthia McKinney on Libyan TV causes me to have the following viewpoints

  1. Exactly how did Libya become an "enemy of the United States" - worthy of having so much of its critical infrastructure destroyed under cover of a "Humanitarian Mission" to prevent the Gaddahfi government from "massacring" his own people?
  2. With NATO recently destroying 8 Libyan Naval vessels - because they said that these ships were a THREAT to a planned "Humanitarian Shipment of Supplies" - is there anything action by NATO that won't be covered by the claim of "Humanitarian Threat"?
  3. Cynthia McKinney - as with Prof Cornel West - argued that the POLICIES of the present Administration are diverting needed resources away from "The Least Of These" and onward to WAR - Why is it that this message that rang so clearly in years past when said by the left are now being repudiated by the left?
    1. WHAT CHANGED?  Did America's military actions become more "just" or did we JUST get a new Commander In Chief?
  4. (FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF CYNTHIA MCKINNEY) Since the Israeli government reserves the right to regulate all humanitarian aide into Gaza (which I agree with) why isn't the United States consistent and not destroying any Israeli vessel that blocks humanitarian aide?
It is clear that the plan to destroy Libya was in place long before the United States and 3 colonial forces chose to "fix the evidence" upon the Humanitarian Aid story.

WHERE IS SEYMOUR HIRSH when you need him to write an expose'?

At the same time I can't allow certain points of unease at McKinney's move go unaddressed?
  1. Doesn't the appearance on Libyan state television give some measure of endorsement of the Libyan government and all of its actions?
    1. One an be opposed to the naked act of aggression and trumped up evidence against Libya without appearing to give a complete endorsement as such

My over-all street sense about this engagement of Libya forces me to look at the hypocrisy that is abundant among Black Americans.

For decades in my formative years I have listened to people detail how Western Powers seek to hold on to their "White Supremacist", "Eurocentric" power base by DESTROYING any non-European nation that dares to lift its head - either in economic growth or in defiance of the American-European position.
We were told that the ENSLAVEMENT of the African was chiefly due to the arbitrary imposition of a global system upon Africans (and other non-White people).  Or duty was to seek GLOBAL JUSTICE for all before we settle on the notion that Black Americans have received our freedom at last.

What people fail to see is that - their "Obama Induced Silence" is really a PRECEDENT that they are complicity erecting.   Any military action can be justified by receiving initial cover from the United Nations and then these powers can exceed the initial mandate as they see fit.

Africa is the most active continent for the United Nations' military contingent and other forces that use the UN for cover NATO).   The real problem is the relative weakness and chaos in Africa internally and how the array of its problems leaves it to the whims of external forces.

All the while Black Americans focus on the Tea Party Birthers - unable to assist the Diaspora - especially since they have the goal of protecting their Commander In Chief from criticism. 

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