Saturday, May 28, 2011

Barack Obama Understands How Black People Think Far Better Than Does Shelby Steele

My original post about the recent article from Shelby Steele "Obama's Unspoken Edge In Re-Election" that appeared in the Wall Street Journal was purely based upon the clips of the story from the Filled Negro blog.  In fact - the bulk of my post was focused upon the claims made by Filled Negro that "Obama Is No Worse Than His Presidential Predecessors" was the driving force of my rebuttal - not Steele's comments.  I detailed how Obama had an impact on BLACK PEOPLE'S BEHAVIOR, greater than any other president in history.  This to the point where there are active debates as to IF it is permissible for a "Black person in good standing" to criticize the "President Of The United States".   If this trend keeps up - Blacks will be seen protesting outside of tanning salons, demanding equal access.

Having read the entire article from  Shelby Steele I am now prompted to opine about the  contents of the article directly.

Long Story Short: "Shelby Steele Don't Know Black People.  Barack Obama Do Know Black People".
The most stunning realization about the arguments put forth about Shelby Steele's analysis of Commander In Chief Obama's re-election chances is that while Steele is able to articulate how the mainstream media see Obama - the Black President as proof of the ADVANCEMENT of America - Mr Steele is unable to find his "Black voice" though which he can speak to put forth the grand irony about how Black America is fairing as "America lauds its racial advancement" as evidence by a Black president.

Mr Steele's article focuses on how difficult the task will be for Republicans to run against Obama - the sign of "Western Reincarnation From Its Racist Past".  His defeat after one term might open the door to the notion that America might not have evolved on the issue of race as much as we thought.

What Mr Steele fails to note is that the fact that we are having this discussion about Obama as a beacon of American transformation and as such:
  • Can't be hit from the right by his White Conservative adversaries lest they be called RACISTS
  • Can't be hit from the left  from his Left Wing compatriots who ultimately seek to protect him from the right - lest the Progressive Joint Venture establishment made of Blacks and Whites will attack them for derailing the President
As we seek to digest "Progressive Political Preacher" Reverend Al Sharpton's recent statements that Black people should find a way to "advance the Black Agenda while PROTECTING THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES" from being undercut in the pursuit of the Black Agenda - Mr Steele's analysis seems particularly clueless.

Do Not Put Commander In Chief Obama On Trial, Put The Black Community On Trial To Make Note Of How Much It Has Compromised Its Own Integrity Regarding Its Permanent Interests

 Both Commander In Chief Obama and Shelby Steele were born to White mothers.  Between the two, Barack Obama has shown far more mastery of his knowledge of how Black people think - and how to align his own message as a means of becoming a "blank canvas" for the hopes, dreams and grievances for "willing Blacks" to live vicariously through.

Mr Steele's article is written from the perspective of the interests of the Republican Party and how they might defeat Obama in the next election.   While this guidance would go over like a stink bomb in a crowded room for most Black people - Steele fails to connect his argument to the INTERESTS OF BLACK PEOPLE.

Had Mr Steele focused upon BLACK PEOPLE and noted the "Two Minds Of Black People" - as he identified with Obama (his Cultural Iconic Status versus his Measurable Results) he might have made a more compelling case.

The Two Minds Of The Black Rank & File

 I am of the opinion that the presidency of Barack Obama has exposed some painful truth about Black America and the damage done BY BLACK PEOPLE will take decades to repair as we are forced to reevaluate our consciousness core.   No other force has successfully taken down ANY internal Black Community infrastructure that attempted to retain a FRAMEWORK for TRANSPARENT APPRAISAL of The President Of The United States as it relates to BLACK PERMANENT INTERESTS.  Only those Black institutions within the "Black Racial Services Industry" who unabashedly support Obama and advocate for his success and the Democratic Party's prosperity are left standing without a tear down orchestrated by fellow Black Progressive-Fundamentalists.

The recent stripping down of Progressive Public Intellectual Cornel West from degreed professor down to buck private for his criticisms of Obama was a key mile marker for where the Black Community Consciousness stands.

From my vantage point as an observer and critic of ALL of the "Progressive Combatants" involved in the fray many can't see how their own will to defend Obama had them to ignore the PROGRESSIVE REFERENCE that West chose to beat Obama over the head with and INSTEAD cherry picked his most intemperate comments about bellhops and Inauguration tickets.

As such the Black community went from condemning  Beyonce for daring to "work a paid gig" at the re-inauguration of a Warmongerer named Bush over to promoting Obama's Innaugural as the hotest ticket in town.  The purchase of this ticket was not the attendance of the parties on the Mall in DC.  Instead the grand purchase is the present SILENCE about Obama's own war-mongering.

Take Cornel West's comments as related to:
  • Wall Street Oligarchy 
  •  America's Military Killing Machine
and apply it to ANY other American President In History and we'd see consensus and pile on from the very same people who are now affirming Lawrence Summers' observations about Professor Cornel West.

Had Mr Steele shown more insight he would have put the Black Progressive-Establishment on trial for their Two Minds - NOT Commander In Chief Obama.

 The Attainment Of The Black Permanent Interests Versus Protection Of Obama & The Black Racial Services Machine

With more insight as to the inner workings of the Black community, Mr Steele could have wrote a message that captured the conundrum that Black America faces as it queues itself up to loop past the indices of its "Permanent Interests" and instead focuses on how many Tea Party voters will make it to the polls.

 I just peeked at the lastest ranting from "Tired And Retired" Journalist Jack White in which he notes that all pretenses of racial harmony will be shed for this 2012 election.  Mr White, like the majority of other journalists are talking about WHITE RACISM injected into politics.  The fact that Obama will receive 90%+ of the Black vote as the vital statics for Black America during his incumbency are put to the side.  Black people have a GREATER fight to fight - RACISM!!!!!

A quick perusal of the analysis from political pundits will show that the Black vote is the critical constituency in the re-election chances of Obama.  The issue is not whether or not Blacks will vote for Obama but instead will the track record of the incumbent afford another "Hope And Change" marketing effort.

Simply put - those who know Black people BECAUSE they are Black realize that the #1, time tested, put your money on it - means of turning out the Black vote for Obama - as they go to the polls on election day,............
  • Walking past 16.1% unemployment for Blacks
  • Walking past the public school that THEY will say with their public face that "Obama Reformed" while secretly knowing otherwise 
  • Noting that the brightest colors in certain "Equal Black Ballot Harvesting Fields" are not fancy floral gardens - but instead the carpet bombing of political advertisements which compel Blacks to achieve relief via political power.
    • In The Democratic Primary within these harvesting fields - there is the "Black General Elections" for those who will represent the community
    • In The General Election in the fall - with local representation having been settled in the Democratic Primary and now the winner is running unopposed - the attention turns to state and national campaigns - getting the Black vote out in numbers to do what the forces know we will do

 The Great Reconciliation Between The Black Permanent Interests And The Institutions That We Seek Political Control Over To Obtain Said Benefits

 I don't believe that Shelby Steele is the best man for the job to shift the focus of Obama's re-election campaign to the subject matter that it NEEDS to be keyed in upon.

The people who "get it" will focus upon the hijacking of the Black Consciousness as it is fixed upon the re-election of Obama, forced to put aside the material grievances that remain - and the general abandonment of the trumped up "Hopes and Change" message.

We are far more likely to hear embedded operatives talk about how "Obama has a lot on his plate.  Obama INHERITED a mess from Bush" as their justification to give him "more time to fix things" up than we would ever expect these same people to say:

  • Chicago's Ralm Emanuel inherited a big mess from the Democratic establishment that Black people support in Chicago
  • The criminal justice system in Wayne County MI "is a mess" and the previous "mission accomplishments" has not changed a thing
  • Despite the promises of a "Philadelphia run by PEOPLE WHO LOOK LIKE ME"........Blacks still feel economically and politically disenfranchized 
 In as much as they live vicariously through Obama's daily media impressions they are unable to recognize that by giving Obama a forbearance on the PROMISES AND DREAMS that they ascribe to ------- they are merely doing at the Federal Level - that they did to "Favorable Progressives:
  • in the School Board
  • in the City Council
  • in the Mayor's office 
  • in the County Board 
  • in the State House
  • in the State Senate
  • in the Governor's Office
  • in the US House
  • in the US Senate
  • and of course - in the White House
Just as I say "PROGRESSIVISM IS INORGANIC" and requires the masses to progressively aspire to fix a problem that is ahead of them but are absolved from their previous track record - that they sold to the masses which got them into power - SO IS THE CASE with the "Obama has a lot on his plate, we need to give him more time".

In The Vehicle With Obama Rather Than Demanding That The Institutions Deliver As Promised 

The more dialogue that I take in about the line of reasoning of various Black Progressives the more I understand that they have experienced a mental shift.  They went from the unrelenting bashing of the government for failing to provide desired services and lifestyle support for Black people OVER TO riding on the "Obama vehicle" with the anticipation that by supporting him and all right thinking Democrats' - that the Black community would be remolded as desired.

No Detroit
No Newark
No Camden
No Philadelphia
No Washington DC
No Baltimore
No Atlanta
No Chicago
No St Louis
No San Francisco
No Los Angeles ........................

all undisputed "Mission Accomplished" zones for Progressive Blacks that have fallen far below the expectations for our people after the grand take over - is going to force a Black Progressive-Fundamentalist to see that HIS WAY has not provided the Black Community with the promise that we have aspired for over time.

It has ONLY served to fuse the "Black Community Consciousness" in with the American Political Domain - just as the embedded confidence men would have it.

The main OPPONENT in the re-election of Obama and the Black Racial Services Machine SHOULD BE the "dark matter" force that is unseen - which seeks to RECLAIM THE BLACK COMMUNITY CONSCIOUSNESS for it has been stolen.

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