Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Rebuttal To The Co-Founder Of Afro-Spear's Comment: "Obama Is No Worse Than Any Other Presidents"

The Filled Negro-Blog - authored by Filled Negro - co-founder of "Afro-Spear" - "A progressive think tank for progressive people of progressive African descent" recently published a blog entry which was an interesting diversion from his nightly obfuscation away from key Black Community interests over toward the loudest Republican in the room. (Or the "KKK Snowman in Idaho" that threatens us all)

Today's target is Black Conservative "public intellectual" Shelby Steele.  Mr Steele apparently still has a bit of egg on his face per his prediction that "Obama can't win".

Matter Dark Matter

The key point from the Filled Negro rant against Shelby Steele

  • Let me jump in here: Barack Obama is no worse than any of the previous presidents before him. So Shelby, you lost me at hello. Your article, from its outset, is poisoned by ideological prejudice. 
  •  I would argue that electing Barack Obama only highlighted the fact that America is still stained by its sad racial legacy. And it has created more bigotry, ignorance, and uncontrolled hostility by not only the usual suspects, but by those who we never expected to become so afraid and fearful of losing their country to those other people.
  • But claiming that only republicans can move minorities out of their "long era of protest" because only republicans can show us how to work hard and achieve in America, is an insult to every hard working person of color who helped to make this country what it is. 
  • "Militancy" isn't always such a bad thing. Just ask the founding fathers to whom you and those of your ilk pray to every day. Without that "militancy" you wouldn't be able to speak of this great country that you seem to love so much. You wouldn't be able to collect a nice check from Stanford University. 
My my my - where do I start?

The claim is that Obama's election has brought out MORE "racism".   Aside from the discredited claim that "Obama has gotten more death threats than the last 3 Presidents combined" - there is one point that I note in the vast majority of such claims.

When Filled-Negro talks about an "increase in RACISM" he is only talking about WHITE FOLKS as evidenced by the "Tea Party".

When it comes to an element of the Black community publicly debating IF it is permissible to "criticize the President Of the United States" - if you allow Filled Negro to tell it - this has nothing to do with RACE and the clear proof of many Blacks "Living Vicariously Through Obama - the First Black President".  Instead it is evidence that "Black people know who has our best interests in mind" - just as the late Prof Manning Marable had told us.

Next Mr Negro appears perturbed that those grungy Black conservative - in their arrogance and hatred of their own kind - believe that only Republicans can correct the Black community and thus are holding out to see more Blacks at their party conventions.

This is a perfect example of "Keep Your Enemy On Trial So You Don't Have To Indict Your Friends".    This line is almost as good as AB "The Liberal Kappa" who argued that: "The reason I left the Democratic Party and became an independent is because the Democrats failed to fight harder against John McCain's RACISM against Obama".  

The sad part about Filled Negro's rationale is that most fellow travelers won't even bother to make note how fraudulent of a statement it is.

We are to:
  • Look past the fact that the monopoly majority of Blacks are Democrats or loyal to the party
  • Look past the fact that this machine has actively promoted the notion that Blacks - showing UNITY - via the Democratic Party and yielding our EQUAL BALLOT to their cause would produce material advantage for our Black Community Interests
  • Look past those who pass themselves off as "Black Leaders" mostly also just happen to be Democratic operatives - continuing the cross contamination of the party's agenda into our Black Community Consciousness

For some strange reason - despite all of the investments of the Black home into the party and seeing so much that has fallen short - THIS FACT is less offensive to Filled Negro than is the insult by Shelby Steele that says "Blacks won't be made whole until we are all Republicans".

With all of this in mind I wish to posit a rebuttal to Filled Negro's main charge.

Filled Negro says:  Barack Obama is no worse that any of the other previous presidents that preceded him

Constructive Feedback says: Barack Obama has had a SUPERIOR effect upon Black people that no other president in American history has ever even thought of as possible.


  1. No other President in American history had more than 85% Black support at a time when they had a Black unemployment rate of 16.1%
    1. When I was growing up in Philadelphia I listened to the grievances of Black people who told me that the primary form of oppression against Black people was ECONOMIC OPPRESSION.  This is borne out in the resent audio report from "Radio Times" - an NPR program that originates out of Philly.  The show detailed how - despite the fact that Philadelphia is majority Black - many Blacks in the city feel ECONOMICALLY DISENFRANCHISED.   With this being the case about the Black condition - we must give Commander In Chief Obama credit for getting Blacks to look past the inclination to hold those who are most responsible for implementing the economic policies in Philadelphia, instead of holding them accountable - they agree that these "Local Obamas" are critical to the success of the "national Obama".   
    2. In Summary - Obama Has Blacks Working Against Their Own Economic Interests Of ORGANIC COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT Without Then Realizing That They Are Working Against Their Own Economic Interests Using The Power Of HOPE
      1. "Shop N Bag" does not take "Hope" for payment
  2. No other American Commander In Chief has ever dropped a bomb on Africa or cavorted with former African Colonists to rain war down upon a region of Africa and not trigger massive protests to rebuke these imperialist actions
    1. My college roommate was also from Philly.  He was an "African-ologist".  I learned from him and many others that "Whenever a nation of COLOR dares to raise their head out of the mud - building up their economy or infrastructure - the White Supremacist Imperialists will find a way to DESTROY all of their development, on their quest to keep them from competing with them ON THEIR OWN TERMS
    2. With the recent incursions into Africa by the French in Ivory Coast and then by America, Italy, Britain and France in Libya where they imposed their vision of world policemen - bombing building, infrastructure and military defenses - this appears to be the case.
    3. I also learned that - absent Africa being able to DEFEND HERSELF - IF the White Man decided to reimpose global slavery among Black people - Black people would have no means of effectively going against this change in the program from White people
    4. Obama's BRILLIANCE is that he has Black people believing in HIM - and thus no longer looking at AMERICA as an Imperialist force or a "White Force".    They mostly bought into the notion that this was a Humanitarian campaign.  And thousands of bombs later - they believe Obama when he said "We saved many lives in Libya" on May 26th  
  3. I have to give President Obama full credit for sinking the "Tavis Smiley - State Of The Black Union Franchise".   As a Black conservative - to see the annual showing on C-SPAN every year where "Self aggrandizement"  and "ideological unity enforcement" among the panelists stacked with progressives had me to see the writing on the wall with regard to the dominate force in the consciousness of Black America.   How would have thought that the Black rank & file would find an alternative to supplant this Juggernaut.   
    1. My advice to Mr Smiley - is that his next book go past "The Covenant" and "Accountability".  Instead he needs to define INTERNAL GOVERNANCE INFRASTRUCTURE that might prevent this from happening in the future. 
  4. With the legacy of "SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER" as a critical need for the survival of Black people - we now have proof that the JingOists among us are no longer convinced that speaking out and making demands of the President is such a good idea.

With all of this in mind - I am forced to say - that when it comes to INFLUENCING THE BEHAVIOR OF BLACK PROGRESSIVES - President Obama stands supreme against all others before him.

Commander In Chief Obama Has Gotten Black Americans To Invest Their Confidence In Him And Thus Purchase Their Independent And Formerly Skeptical Consciousness As They Used To Keep Their Eyes On The Prize - Rather Than The Words Coming Out Of A President's Mouth


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