Monday, May 30, 2011

Black People As The Poster Child Of Poverty - Indictments In Right & Left

The notion that the term "Welfare Queen" used by Ronald Reagan was actually a reference to Black people was easy for progressive-fundamentalist economist Paul Krugman to 'read between the lines', understanding exactly what (racist) Ronald Reagan of Philadelphia Mississippi fame had in mind.

Interestingly enough I had just watched the documentary "The One Percent".
It is a documentary made by a young heir to the "Johnson & Johnson Company" fortunes.   Jamie Johnson contrasts the lifestyles of the rich, old money families with the fate suffered by the poor.

If a reference to poverty has a "black face" upon it and this is negative and racist then how does one explain the movie in which all of the "poster children" for poverty - the flora and the fauna of the film - were Black people?

I have fully documented the use of Black people as poster children by the White Liberal Snarling Foxes. For some reason though - while they know that Reagan's words can easily be "read between the line" - when their go to people are also Black the White Liberal Snarling Fox is seen as giving the poor a voice - not as exploiting them.

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We only need to watch the clips from the documentary "The One Percent" to make note that indeed the Black American is the poster child for American poverty.  This linkage will not be attacked because - unlike the White Conservative - the White Liberal Snarling Fox seeks to vocalize the plight of the Black poor because he seeks to feed us. If only we can use our Equal Black Ballot to assist our ideological joint-venture partner with his success at defeating his conservative enemy - our hunger will be nourished.

We should be thankful for his efforts.

If only Malcolm X where still around to repeat his warnings said about 50 years ago.

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