Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"My President Is A Black Man" - Where Ever Did People Get The Idea Of Viewing Commander In Chief Obama Through A Racial Prism - The Corrupt Obama Fist Bump Black Press

It is beyond me to understand how so many people, Black and White got the idea that Commander in Chief Obama should be viewed in racial terms.

"A Black Mascot For Wall Street Oligarchs"?
 "The Food Stamp President?"

Where oh where are these "attacks coming from"?

Washington Post's Colbert King tries to enlighten us on  this disturbing trend:

Viewing Obama Through A Racial Prism

If Mr King and (The Root.com which syndicated this column) were more transparent in their notation they would say, more accurately, that:
  • To personify Commander In Chief Obama through racial terms as the beacon of Hope For Black People and Other Struggling Americans - is an inexhaustible marketing message
  • To use Commander In Chief Obama's race as a negative reference - where the grand hopes that were fomented by the "Obama Fist Bump Press", the Black Racial Services Machine and the White Liberal Democratic Establishment used to garner more equal votes - and  an 85% Black voter support for Obama at the present time - THEN you have stepped in it

Upon seeing the racial divide in the Presidential Approval Polls for Obama the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" is inclined to look at the right side of the diagram to the left and start an investigation as to why other Americans outside of their own thought domain don't seem to have the same fever for Obama and his policies.  At minimum committing to redouble their marketing efforts, targeting the places where "The Good News" has not reached.

No National Urban League "State Of Black America Report" which says "the conditions in Black America are bad and getting worse" should serve as the index that the O.F.B.B.P. should use as it looks toward BLACK PEOPLE and seeks to understand the discrepancy in numbers.  Indeed the "Reverse Bradley Effect" is upon us where regardless of what Black people tell the pollster as a means of saving face on behalf of the president and the machine that they have supported - the painful truth that they face when they are alone at home can't hide.

This is what a TRANSPARENT BLACK PRESS would aggressively seek out.  Instead in its present hijacked form - they show clearly what their priorities are.

Colbert King - Analysis

The truth about Mr King and the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" is that they need to keep Black people on the racial defensive.   The worst thing that has happened and can happen is to have "wayward sheep" like Prof Cornel West - not just criticizing Obmaa - Rep Allen West can criticize Obama from the right and it is blown off.  The more damning part of West's criticism is that he uses the very PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALIST weapons of indictment typically reserved for a more unsavory conservative as a measure for Obama to be held up to.

Mr King pretends that Obama was the first president to appear on a "food stamp" and like the "monkey" editorial cartoon all who dare posit such an image against an opposition President should first note that THIS PRESIDENT IS A BLACK MAN - and then apply all all of the sensitivities that Black people hold - upon this president.  Thus - shut up.

The corrupt part of this claim  is that this President who has the power to order an assassination of a noted terrorist - giving the green light for the US Military forces tho shoot him in the face to take him out does not NEED this Racial Protectionism afforded to him by the "Obama Fist Bump Black Press" and then seconded by "MSNBC - the UnFox-Biased Biased Network" who says "Indeed it smells kinda 'racialisious' to us".

This is merely theater for the Black people who have fused their RACIAL CONSCIOUSNESS in with Obama's day to day time schedule.  They live vicariously through his every media exposure, having long abandoned any hopes of looking at THEIR OWN community fortunes, instead placing it all on forbearance for Obama to stand tall on top of their muted frustrations.   Indeed OBAMA is the only beacon of light in some of their lives.

Faux Outrage

In response to Colbert King's article I was motivated to go to my personal e-mail archive and look for the bevy of attachments that I have received from my (Black) friends against the President that had no racial limits assigned against him.

Keep in mind this picture is NOT put forth as a "You are in the mud with the present 'racists' ", attempting to REMOVE the limits of "respect".

Instead it is yet another message out to the "easily offended" (or clandestinely aware of how valuable an "Offended Negro" is for political purposes) to make note of the line that YOU don't want crossed and then choose to tell your bigoted friends to not cross them when an unsavory political figure to you shows his face.

If Newt Gingrich's house had the statue on the right planted in his front yard he would trigger a protest.
If Ed Schultz had a framed picture of the magazine cover on the left hanging proudly in his office in which the flurry of Black Progressive-Fundamentalists visited as they coordinated notes prior to their appearance on his show - he would get a backslap and a laugh out of the majority of them.

In their own ideological bigotry they fail to see that they have not reached the point of consciousness that was forced upon comedian Dave Chappelle.  Sometimes the laugh of a Snarling Fox at something that YOU find commonly funny is merely a laugh at YOU - per how you have COMPROMISED yourself in displaying what you told WHITE FOLKS was OFFENSIVE TO YOU.

They RIGHTFULLY have no respect for you as they see that it is merely a matter of IDEOLOGICAL "One Ups Manship" rather than a deed seeded feeling that cannot be purchased.

Any external people studying the antics of BLACK PEOPLE with reference to the SEAT OF THE PRESIDENCY with AN IDEOLOGICAL FAVORABLE BLACK MAN in the chair should take cogent notes as to the 'PURCHASE POINT' of Black people's SILENCE and COMPLICITY.

  • Ignore their future grievances about Unemployment - Protection of the one man's job is more important than the masses 
  • Ignore their claims about educational reform - We have cartoons which say that Black boys will be motivated to read by the sight of one man in office.
  • Bomb Africa - Showing Your Superiority As You Show Your Superior Military Strength - just tell them that "The Black Man Mad An AGGRESSIVE MOVE and thus the police man had to shoot him"

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