Monday, May 23, 2011

Desperately Seeking A "Negro Intellectual" Who Can Tie It All Together - It's Not JUST Obama. The Entire Black Racial Services Industry Must Be Put On Trial

The Black Community Can't Afford Any More "Obama
Victories" In Beating The Republicans We Suffer From A
Loss In Consciousness With Every "Win"

When I heard a Black voice on stage about two years ago GIVE PERMISSION to Black Americans to "criticize Obama" - my election-time assessment of the present consciousness of Black America was affirmed.

For the record I voted "None Of The Above" in the US Presidential slot in 2008.
I looked at how BLACK AMERICA was reacting to candidate Obama and unlike the police man in the Spike Lee movie "Malcolm X" I did not look at the POWER of the one man.................I looked at the masses of people and said "No PEOPLE should ever allow ONE POLITICIAN to have that much power over them".

Next up to bat we have Dr Eddie Glaude Jr of Princeton University, as featured in "The".

Please understand his bullet point list about the conditions in Black America at present

  • Black Unemployment Rate at 16.1% - likely 28%
  • Those with jobs receiving reduced pay (not to mention eroding purchasing power due to dollar decline)
  • Home Foreclosures - due to "racist lending practices"
  • Failing Public Schools
  • The Prison Industrial Complex -where to the astonishment of Michelle Alexander even Black District Attorneys, Black Police Chiefs, Black Jailers and Black Judges conspire to destroy Black Families by locking up Black males in Wayne County, Cook County, Philadelphia County, Baltimore County and Fulton County
  • Mission Accomplished Cities spiraling into hopelessness - despite those who still wear their faded Obama 2008 t-shirts announcing "Hope Through Change" merely for the investment of your Equal Ballot
And yet we find ourselves embroiled in a heated public debate over whom to hold accountable for the failure to address these conditions.
WE HAVE A WINNER:  Some African Americans hold the view that this only contributes to right-wing attacks against Obama, making him vulnerable in 2012.

  •  I am more interested in the underlying anxiety about black people criticizing Obama. It is as if we are being told to keep our mouths shut.
  • Others maintain that support of Obama reflects a commitment to racial advancement. To criticize him is, in effect, to turn one's back on the black freedom struggle of which Obama is the culmination. One might think of this as racial loyalty from above. It is the latest version of racial uplift rooted in a particular black-elite aspiration to hold on to the levers of power.


When I read the works of many Black Progressive Intellectuals I get the feeling that they are laying on the couch of their psychologists - pretending that they are expressing all of the contents of their soul.  Yet either by mental conditioning or purposeful acts they choose not to "GO THERE" - deep within the bowels of their psyche.   

Dr Glaude's analysis is a MISS.
He tries to construct a narrative but is limited because of his world view and the protectionism that he affords the participants who erected this construct.

The truth is, Dr Glaude - this is NOT ABOUT COMMANDER IN CHIEF OBAMA and how he as "failed" us!!!!

The argument that we should be having at this present time is about the lack of transparency that exists in what PURPORTS to be "The Black Community Development Agenda" and what is merely an auxiliary of the Democratic Party & Progressive Politics/Ideology.

In all of you "bullet points of grievances", Dr Glaude - you point to the presence of VULNERABLE PEOPLE - still far too exposed to the whims of the larger nation.  Still catching pneumonia as the the rest of the nation catches a cold.

The one point that you failed to make reference to in the context of your discussion of where we stand - Black man in office - is the TIME LINE OF ORGANIC INCREASE FOR BLACK PEOPLE after we have invested our EQUAL BALLOTS into the hopper - just as the EMBEDDED CONFIDENCE MEN suggested that we do.

The Time Line Is The Enemy Of The Progressive Fundamentalist
Despite what it might seem - I don't have a problem with politics or ideologues.  This is the reality of life in a civilized society.
My problem is with HIJACKERS!!!
Those who seek to misappropriate our racial consciousness in with their ideological viewpoint, channeling our will for development through their political gateway are the worst type of larvae that we have embedded in our bloodstream.

They speak with authority.  They leverage their connectedness to our people's grievances.
They put forth so much crosstalk between their words which say "what Black people need to do" (organically) and "how we must stop those evil Republicans" that their entire message is purposefully confusing that the Blacks who listen to it figure that upon beating the Republicans who are standing in our way - the victory is won.

Simply put - our people need DISCIPLINE in our governance.
Whereas today we have the situation where those who erect and manage the governance within ALSO just happen to be of the very same ideological position (to the left) of the executives who seek to carry out the policies.  This type of insider trading promotes the "Executive Compensation Board" to look favorably upon these individuals who's only mandate is to be IDEOLOGICALLY IN TUNE WITH THE MASSES.   The actual deliverable is often put into forbearance.  

A transparently governed Black Community would see the need to separate the "Racial Consciousness Nucleus" and all of the values and integrity contained within - from the street level battles in the political domain that is prone to adopt a particular METHODOLOGY (Ideology) as a tool to obtain these favorable ends.

When the condition is presented where REGARDLESS of the failings - this METHODOLOGY is retained - for no other reason that it remains POPULAR among Black people - then these people - of EQUAL STANDING AS HUMAN BEINGS - must be willing to accept that with all of the options afforded to them - they CHOSE to do everything necessary to remain at the place that they continue to occupy.
This KKK Snowman formed by White hands in Utah
triggered more reactions nationally by Black people
than countless numbers of Street Pirate attacks which
turned the snow red from "Negro Blood".  This KKK
Snowman has now melted.  The water now sits atop the
nearby mountain - having returned to its "superior
position" awaiting another winter snowstorm and
White hands to reform him into a mold that is powerful
enough to distract Black people from the important things
that now suffer from the "Benign Neglect" that the
Embedded Confidence men elicit when they
hijack our Community Consciousness in order to keep
us on the Racial Defensive.  They are most strong when we are on the

The short term greed of retaining or growing the favored IDEOLOGICAL base was deemed more important than erecting a transparent system by which the tool that most effectively addressed the needs of the given terrain.   When you retain passage on a snowmobile that has served you so well, allowing you to outrun the Abominable Snowman of your past, as you retain its dependable services because you INTEND to skim across the sea that is ahead of you ..........when you and the machine that you remain clutched to find yourselves at the bottom of the ocean, fish swimming around your head as an artificial reef - it is illogical to blame the water for having not presented itself in the solid form of matter that your tool was best equipped for.  And NO - Global Warming is not a logical source of blame.  

YOU and YOUR INABILITY TO ADAPT because of your own bigotry and entrenchment is the problem.

The Painful Truth Is Expressed About The Failure Of "The Least Of These" Strategy

Question:  WHY is "The Least of These Campaign" ("Poor People's Campaign") so attractive to the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers?

Because it allows them to get around the failed construction of INSTITUTIONS that can engage the Black Community's human resources, translating them into ORGANIC UPLIFT.
Instead - it posits the RIGHTS of Blacks and other "Least Of These People" to the resources that America has to offer inside of its container.
That which SHOULD be a part of the piston which lifts our people through this organic development is instead placed upon the GOVERNMENT - the favorable "redistributive policies" being the agent by which we receive the said UPLIFT.

As such - the "Black Community Development Agenda" becomes a 100% POLITICAL venture, where we struggle to get "Favorable Elected Officials" into place over said institutions.  They will see ALL of America's resources as negotiable for redistribution, using the force of government to counteract the exploitative capital markets that lead to the imbalance.

Black people are not made to develop more sound MARKET BASED solutions for us to attract money from other people's wallets.  We are instead asked to open our wallets which has the ONE UNIVERSALLY EQUAL AMOUNT OF THE SECONDARY CURRENCY AFFORDED TO ALL AMERICANS - the EQUAL BALLOT!!

With this ballot currency in hand - it is believed that we can make use of a favorable government to reverse what the market forces has channeled their way.

When Prof Glaude, Prof West, "Progressive Political Preacher" Rev Al Sharpton and so many others open their eyes to see that within the confines of nearby Newark and Camden NJ - the condition of "Mission Accoplishment" where every seat is held by a favorable progressive - the BLACK VOTE becomes void in its ability to attract REDISTRIBUTIVE UPLIFT.

Anyone possessing 3rd grade knowledge of INTERPOLATION should be able to see that if and when these same conditions are scaled nationally - the same nullified effects will be had upon or people.

Only ORGANIC COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT among our ranks, rejecting all the excess that CREDIT can purchase us temporarily can provide for our people the necessary course correction that we'll need to have our people look back 100 years from now and see the foundations that their prosperity held in the future was founded upon.

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