Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Leftist Propaganda On Entitlement Spending - Make The Enemy Out Of The Ideological Adversary Instead Of The Actuarial Charts

What Does One Do As An Ideologue When They Stare The Following "Big Hairy Monster" In The Eyes And Realize That Over The Long Run He Will Consume Them IF Change Is Fundamental Change In Their Assumptions Are Not Made?


YOUR Ability To Obtain Entitlements In The Context Of All Other Fiscal Pressures That The Nation Faces

Medicare's INSOLVENCY Moved 5 Years Closer Due To Reduced Payroll Taxes Input During Present Weak Labor Market

You start a propaganda campaign that has gullible people made to believe that the REAL problem with the long term solvency of these valued programs are not what the graphs indicate but instead the ENEMIES of the program - who didn't want it in the first place due to their hatred and bigotry for mankind.

The Propaganda Campaign - Pacify The People About The Problem. Rile Them Up So As They Are Made To Believe That They Are FIGHTING For Their Own Economic - YOU Get Them To Hand Over The Second Type Of Valuable Currency In America - THEIR BALLOT!

The CBC Head Condemns Republican Vote Against Medicare The "Paul Ryan Budget" Which "Attacks Medicare" Is Rejected By US Senate Republicans Lose Special Election In Strong Republican District As A Repudiation Of Their Threatened Medicare Cuts
The Support For Unskilled Immigrants Increases Among Blacks (This spot reserved for the interview this week between MSNBC's Lawerence O'Donnell and Michael Moore on the subject of entitlement spending, attacks on unions and immigration The - The "Browning Of America" 

Attention All Leftists - Let me assure you - your Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid are not going to be lost due to any unilateral legislative cuts by your ideological enemies.

Indeed these programs are going to experience significant benefit cuts over time - BUT only after the conditions of these programs become abundantly and fatally clear

One could not identify a more fatal convergence of forces which - on the one hand MAXIMIZE the interests of the LEFT - but in truth - function to concentrate the problems.

The importation of an unskilled immigrant work-force merely:

  • Puts pressure on the wage-rates downward while increasing the long term pressure on these entitlement pools
  • (The Key) Establishes a demographic change in the electorate by which those who are highlighted in the bullet point above will represent a larger portion of the voting base - this pushing through these REDISTRIBUTIONIST policies. (High Taxes - Growing Entitlement Spending)

As the "Mission Accomplished" victory parties rang out over the past several decades in the key cities that I focus upon as the locations where Black permanent interests are now molested - who would have thought back at this time when the confetti rained down that they would experience their present fate.

The (ignorant) Whites over at "Stuff Black People Don't Like" - seek to attribute this collapse to "Black Run America".    They are loathed to point out that while indeed the largest node cities are suffering and they have a considerable Black population - there is also an abundance of misery in small, former factory towns that dot the landscape of PA, NY, OH, MI, IN and WI.

The truth is that the issue is one of economics and one's assumptions of the role of government.  

If you appraise the grid above and the ideological footprint that forms this world view regarding American public policy - it is hard to understand why  more people can't see that in their "Victory" there will be massive future LOSS.

When I read the economic analysis of "The Black Commentator" or "The Black Agenda Report" I am forced to conclude that they must only be interested in STRUGGLE with the INTENTION of helping "the Least Of These" because if they ever were to have their entire policy set delivered - their own theories would be the greatest force that ensured that they would never receive these favorable economic ends that they desire.

The Real Drive Is For Political POWER - Not Mass Prosperity

Just as every modern day civil rights rally is also used as a voting drive for aggrieved people - it is clear that the propagandist framing of the "threats" to entitlements is merely done to get favorable people into power who are going to protect these programs - via massive tax hikes.


While this entire body of evidence as presented by me can be blown off as the rantings of an "anti-progressive bigot" and a clandestine Black Republican - those points are actually irrelevant to the fate that this nation and YOU will ultimately suffer.  This ain't about ME.

What we have - from a Black perspective - is the convergence of many beliefs that previously didn't matter as much on the bottom line of the beholder because this nation's strong competitive position against all others and our ORGANIC productivity which was 'filling the pot' served to abstract the nation from the consequences of certain rouge public policies - right or left.

I am of the belief that there are two forces in America that are equal in their passions to raid the national treasury and leave this nation in peril:

  • The Wall Street / Defense Complex Oligarchs
  • The Confiscatory Social Justice Redistributionalists 
It is wise to defend our nation against both of them.  They both seek power but use their stated INTENTION as the methodology for their entrance into the nation's bank vault.

For no other reason than ideological sentiment and the attempt to play to special interests:
  • Those receiving retirement oriented entitlements seek to protect and maximize their receipt
  • Those seeking immigration reform have a variety of agenda items - all related to an increase in voting power
    • A large portion of Hispanic Americans seek policies favorable to their interests and the best way to have this happen is to have their voting base increase - to remove opposition
    • The Progressive Caucus in general has the goal of increasing their base. They figure that poor and/or unskilled immigrants that match their target profile for the Progressive/Democratic caucus will finally allow them to break the stranglehold that the White Right-Wing Conservatives have on national politics
Of course - this is where it is said of me:  "Your Black.  You are merely brainwashed to the 'White Dominate NORM and are scared of diversity".

(Side note:  After watching the silence over the US and colonialist bombing of Libya - all future claims of MY lack of Black Consciousness will be fervently laughed off.   YOU have shown your true colors with this episode - after so many years of stating how the imperialists seek to destroy "Nations of Color" so they can remain in power globally)

The most SUPREME construct that I have for a system is its ability to create ORGANIC INCREASE in a people.   Let us appraise the cadre of Black left-wing thought that is encapsulated in the grid above.
  • The desire for Health Care Services:   There is not one iota of INCREASE in the community's ability to provide for the demands in health care service - 
    • BY increasing the number of Black Medical Professionals in practice to service the need at a fairer price - after having matriculated through the educational institutions that are now in favorable hands
    • BY increasing the local GDP in which more funds that are needed to reduce the stress on these large national entitlement pools to provide services either by local funding or increasing the flow of funds to the national pool - NOT JUST by increasing taxation upon the rich but getting more of our people employed in high end, stable jobs
  • The desire to advance favorable (progressive) Public Policy by expanding the progressive voter base - now that the claims that the Black Vote is under assault have been made FUNCTIONAL insolvent (despite Jesse Jackson trying so hard to convince us otherwise)
  • The desire to shift the distribution of income/wealth by advancing more punitive progressive taxation
    • This is the corner stone of the "Social Justice Movement".   Again - instead of identifying the NEED and then building up the people to meet this need per the control over the local INSTITUTIONS that have been captured in previous elections and demographic ships - there is a need for a perpetual national STRUGGLE by which more election victories will one day tip the balance in the favor of the group which bills itself as the nation's "Moral Compass"
  • A more fair economy and more fair nation will be sculpted - as powerful corporate forces are kept in check
A Reality Check
  1. Aside from the "Economic Hit Men" who are guilty of undermining their efforts (again - credibility is now lost now that there is support for Obama doing the same thing with mass approval by progressives) what about the illegal immigrants in this nation are going to allow the to build up an economic powerhouse that they could not manage to do in their home nations?   This is not a slap on immigrants (I am married to one).  This is a fundamental challenge to the notion that it is "THEIR RIGHTS" that are of prime interests instead of more political power through demographic changes.   
  2. Is there some inflection point by which Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are going to be healed as pro-corporate taxation policies are reversed and instead the corporations and the wealthy will begin to pay their FAIR SHARE?   As a result both the entitlements crisis and the federal debt will be reversed favorably?   How does this all happen in your plan?
  3. Add to this - the present failings of our public school system is said to be a consequence of LACK OF INVESTMENT and COMMITMENT - again you have another straw that you want to add to take water out of the reservoir
  4. Are there any places around the nation that we can presently point to in which due to the magic of "Mission Accomplishment" - your public policies have been introduced locally - after the opposition has been muted and the anticipated results have been rendered?  (See Detroit, Newark, Chicago, Philadelphia)

The truth is that all of the items in the grid (Entitlements, Tax Policy, Immigration Policy, the hope for an expanded electorate) are STRUGGLE ITEMS.

As we have seen previously - a STRUGGLE which is not primarily focused upon the uplift of a community by first INCREASING THE COMPETENCIES OF ITS PEOPLE via the institutions that are there to provide such uplift - FAILURE is the only logical outcome.

I challenge anyone to try and paint a future - which includes all of these pressures documented above - in which ABUNDANCE is assured IF WE shift the burden to a point where the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT is demanded to BUILD UP THE INDIVIDUAL in the name of SOCIAL JUSTICE?

Instead it is the reverse.   SOCIAL JUSTICE is more predictably assured as STRONG INDIVIDUALS are asked to contribute their wares at the local level.  As an AGGREGATE picture of the nation is made - GREAT WEALTH and PROSPERITY is seen.   America is not great due to our "wealthy" national government.   This national entity is merely a debt laden switch board - trying to maintain a minimum living standard that its wherewithal to do so has been surpassed by the demands upon it.

My job is not to "make you" believe any differently than you do.
My only agenda is to keep bringing certain data points to the forefront, bypassing the propaganda machine that so many have confidence in - and merely asking that you RATIONALIZE what you have been made to believe.  

Anyone who places prime dependency on this present system in its present state is going to suffer per the increasing questions about its ability to put forth MATERIAL CURRENCY in exchange for the currency call the BALLOT - which acts as its steering system.  

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